Chapter Nine

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"You seem a bit more jumpier than usual."
Morag eyed her sister, who was literally bouncing with every step that she took, down the hallway.

"Incase you have forgotten, twin, it is the first Quidditch match of the year, so of course I will be jumpier."
Isobel spun around to face us, now walking backwards, still with a bounce in her step.

The last few weeks Isobel started talking more and acted more relaxed and natural around us. A good thing of course.

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We entered the Great Hall and the delicious smell of sausages, bacon and eggs filled my nostrils, causing me to sniff the air.

As we walked to our usual seats when I spotted Harry, Ron and Hermione already seated at their table. I stopped when I reached them, making Mandy, Morag and Isobel also stop when they noticed that I'm not with them, and turned towards me in question. I gestured with my hand that I want to talk, and they nodded in understanding and walked further down to their seats.

I turned towards the trio, but before I could get a peep out, someone else has spoken, feeling their presence behind me.

"Goodluck today, Potter."
I turned my head and saw that it was Snape, dressed in his usual outfit: black robes, black pants, - shoes, - shirt, I bet even his socks is black.

It was a little bizarre that he just wished Harry goodluck, knowing that he strongly disliked him.

Our looks didn't surprise him as he carried on talking.

"Then again, now that you've proven yourself against a troll, a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you. Even if it is against Slytherin."

He looked between Ron and Harry, and lastly at Hermione and I, before he brushed passed me as he limped to the teacher's table. Wait, limping?

"That explains the blood.
Harry spoke, making me look at him.

Hermione and I asked at the same time, making them all look at me, acknowledging my presence.

Harry moved in his seat so that he can look at us all before he spoke again.
"Listen, last week I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion, so he could get past that three-headed dog. But, he got himself bitten, that's why he's limping."

Hermione looked puzzled.
"But why would anyone go near that dog?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, having no idea what they are talking about.
"Woah, woah. Wait a minute. What three-headed dog?"

Harry and Hermione looked at me, then at each other, before looking at me again. Hermione turned to me.

"You remember that day when we showed Harry the trophy?"

I nodded.

"Well, later that night, as we walked to Gryffindor Tower, one of the staircases that we were on, changed and we entered through a random door just to escape the staircases. We ended up in the forbidden corridor. We ran to hide when we saw Mrs. Norris, knowing that Filtch is nearby. We hid in a room where a big dog with three heads were sleeping."

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