Chapter Eleven

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The most wonderful day of the year has arrived: Christmas. I was always the first one to wake up and sprint downstairs to catch Santa, who is always escaping through our fireplace, but until a few years ago I found out that he is not real, after I caught him successfully, but his beard fell off and the imposter was revealed as my father. I felt betrayed but got over it a year later.

So now I just get up early and run downstairs to open my presents, like I'm doing right now. I hopped down the last step and skipped towards the family room, still in my Christmas onesie.

I entered through the door and stopped in my tracks. My sweet old mother and father were seated on the couch, wearing the same onesie as me, and sipping happily on cocoa.

As if they had sensed my presence, they turned towards the door.

"Are we all triplets now, with the matching outfits?"
I raised my eyebrow in amusement and walked further into the room.

Dad just chuckled at me.
"Something like that. Merry Christmas, munchkin."
He opened his arms as I leaped onto him, giving him a teddy bear hug.

"Merry Christmas, dad."
My voice was muffled into the onesie's material of my father.

He gave me one last squeeze and let go of me, as I stood up and looked at my mum.
"Merry Christmas, mommy dearest."

"Merry Christmas, daughter dearest."
She mocked me, but still smiling lovingly at me as I gave her a bone crushing hug, to which she happily returned.

Once we let go after a bit of swaying, giggling, whispering and tickling, I looked around and noticed that Dixie wasn't in the room with us.

"Where is that lovely do- OOF!"
Something cut me off, as it pushed me to the ground, I looked up and saw the devil herself.
I mumbled, making her wag her tail more aggressively.

I kept sitting on my bum and looked at her blankly, waiting for her reaction. She noticed that I was not going to pet her, so she creeped forward until she was right in front of me, still wagging her tail, as she gives me that adorable puppy dog eyes.

I narrowed my eyes into her direction, trying everything in my power to resist those eyes.

My eyes were almost shut when I gave up.
"Oh, come on then, you beautiful dog."

She jumped into my lap as I stroked her fur, causing her to give me a lick in the face.

"Who is ready to open presents?"
My mum clapped her hands as she stood up.

My arm went skyrocket into the air.

Mother giggled and gestured towards the pile of presents that was seated perfectly under the tree, just waiting to be ripped open.

The first present that I took out, was a square formed box, wrapped in red wrapping paper.

I looked at my mother and asked her with my eyes if I could rip the paper, but before she could reply, the screeching noise of me ruining the paper silenced her.

Inside the square box was a beautiful angel, crafted out of ice. This gift came from my mother's sister, Crystal Clearwater, who can craft any object that she can design, out of water and into ice, enchanting it to that it can't melt.

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