Chapter Two

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After weeks and weeks of waiting, which was only five weeks, we were finally going to get my stuff. Father unfortunately forgot to take me to Diagon Alley to get my school supplies, until a week ago, when I reminded him.

So today, me, my mother and my father are going to Diagon Alley together. Father luckily got the day off. We got into our black Audi Quattro 20V car. Father drove down the streets, and up the streets, making me confused and getting lost on the route. We finally stopped at our destination and all three of us climbed out of the car. I straightened out my skirt and faced the building in front of me. It was an old looking building with a slightly bended door. Once we stepped near it, the empty square sign on top of the door appeared with the business' name. The Leaky Cauldron. Only Witches and Wizards can see the sign, where as Muggles cannot.

Father opened the door, letting my mum and I enter first. Once we entered, we were welcomed with a dusty atmosphere. There were lots of people in there, drinking what seems to be alcohol, and talking loudly, laughing too, without a care in the world. We walked through the pub, to the backdoor. Mother tapped on five different bricks, a specific pass code to enter Diagon Alley. When she tapped the last brick, the wall began to vibrate, and suddenly it started to separate into two sections. The bricks slided into one another, making the entrance bigger. The bricks stopped moving, which resulted a perfect entrance, where you can clearly see the alley.

Diagon Alley was always busy, but not as busy like today. The whole alley was packed full of people. It was quite a struggle to walk without bumping into one of them. Children running around from shop to shop, their parents trailing behind them, making sure they don't get lost.

Diagon Alley was a beautiful place. Strangely structured buildings, full of shops, where you can buy anything that you would like. One building that stands out the most is the Gringotts Wizard's Bank. With its shiny white-painted walls and a skew structure, it is hard to miss it. Since we already have Wizard money, there were no need to go to the bank.

In the distance, above all the people's heads, a big and tall man stood out, he was wearing brown clothing, some of the material stitched on. He has shoulder-length brown hair, very bushy, so bushy that it does not look like he's combed it in a while. He was walking towards the bank. For me it was fascinating to see such a big man, because I have never seen a giant-like, like him. It's not everyday that your eyes caught sight of a person like him.

We entered one of the bookshops, where you can buy Hogwarts' school books. On the outside, the shop looks like a normal looking shop, but once you're inside, you sort of enter a new world, full of books. Some book piles swirled into curvy loops and other piles were stacked in a spiral form. The books had to be bewitched, in order for it to be placed on such an odd angle.

Most of the books were new, other second-hand. I was so fascinated at the books and the swirly pattern of the stacked books, that I did not notice my mother trying to get my attention. I turned my head towards her and gave her a sheepish smile, my way of apologizing. She just shook her head at me and softly chuckled.

"We need to get your books, darling. Help me find them."
She took out my requirement list out of her handbag and scanned through the list. I walk and stood next to her, leaning against her to get a full view of the list.


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