Chapter Four

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I woke up to the sound of shuffling and a thud, with a small 'ow' at the end of a few grumbling sounds of a person. I opened one eye and saw Morag hopping up and down, holding her foot, and massaging her sore toe with her thumbs.

"Can you make any more noise?"
I ask amused, startling her.

She almost lost her balance, but luckily got hold of the four-poster beds panel. She turned her head, looking for the person who said that, until she saw me, the only one - besides her - that's awake.

She gave me a sheepish smile.
"I'm sorry, I did not mean to wake you."

I dismissed her with a wave of my hand and sat up in my bed.
"It's okay, I couldn't sleep longer anyway."

"Good." She said, looking relieved. "What time is it?"

"Uhh..." I trailed off, looking for a clock in the room. I saw one hanging just above the curtain door. "It's 6:30." I answered, looking back at Morag.

"6:30." She repeated, looking deep in thought. She looked at me and grinned. "You want to see something funny?"
She ask me.

I just nodded.

She took both of her pillows and sneaked up to her sister, Isobel, before she smacked the pillow on her face before sprinting to Mandy and doing the same.

"Get up sleepy heads!" She screamed above their groaning. "It's our first day of school! I want to go to the Great Hall."

"Then go." Moaned Isobel. "We are not holding you with a chain."

Morag thought for a while and then shrugged.
"Fair enough."

Mandy, Isobel and I got out of bed and went to our uniforms. Our uniforms consists out of a white long sleeve button up shirt, grey v-neck jersey (long or short sleeve) with blue and silver linings at the edge of the jersey, a blue and silver tie, grey skirt that reaches above the knees, long grey socks that reaches below the knees, and black school shoes. On our robes we got a crest of our house on the left side.

Just as I pulled on my socks, Morag sprinted out of the room.

"See you in the hall!"
She called from the stairs.

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Mandy and I walked to the Great Hall, along with Lisa, Emma, Isobel, and Sue. The boys were far in front of us, laughing at something. As we entered, we made our way to the Ravenclaw table.

There were once again all sorts of food to choose from. Bacon, eggs, sausages, toasted bread, normal bread, cereal, oats, pancakes, waffles, and omelets. I helped myself with 2 pieces of bacon, 2 eggs, 1 toasted bread, and a sausage. I also poured myself some orange juice in a glass. Mandy ate 2 waffles and drank milk for breakfast. None of us talked, because of how delicious the food is. Once we were finished, the plates magically disappeared, just the jugs of orange juice was left behind, so I poured another glass for myself.

I was busy drinking my orange juice when I saw Professor McGonagall strolling into the Great Hall, holding a bunch of papers in her arms. She handed out a paper to each student that she passes.

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