So you need my help, huh?

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(Season 2, episode 13 "The Last Dragonlord") The dragon is still attacking Camelot. They need help from the last leftover Dragonlord Balinor. Merlin an Arthur went to search for him and found him. Now they stand before Uther. Will Uther agree to the conditions Balinor made? Will Camelot be save again? (In times past, Uther and Balinor were friends. Balinor did not die and came with Arthur and Merlin to Camelot.)

Balinor, Merlin and Arthur arrived at the gate to Camelot. The city looked a little more destroyed than at the beginning of their journey. Balinor hesitated. Arthur noticed but didn't comment on it. He was trying not to scare Balinor away, since he was their last hope.

Balinors eyes stayed on every guard they went by, until they were out of sight. I was like he expected them to jump at him at every second. Though no one noticed that Merlin was tense as well.

Together they arrived at the Great Hall. All of Camelots Court were gathered there. Gaius was standing at Uthers right, Geoffrey was standing next to Gaius. That made Balinor feel much more safe."Balinor," Uther greeted unfriendly. "Uther," Balinor said appraisingly.

The tension was palpable. A knife would have been able to cut it in many uncountable pieces. The looks between both men would have been able to kill. "I have heard you need my help," he pointed towards the prince and his manservant. Everyone was able to see how hard it was for the king to say that he needed help from his former friend. "The dragon who I had imprisoned under the castle got free and now destroys the castle," Uther sat down on his throne. "And what has this to do with me?," even if Balinor did not want to help the king, he would not abandon his son and the future king of Camelot. The short time he had spent with Arthur was enough to see that he was different. He was nothing like his father. He did not judge quickly and did not treat commoners like they were dirt. And even if his son and the prince would not see it themselves it was impossible not to see that they were friends, best friends.

"I ask you to help the people of Camelot and safe them from more harm then they have already experienced," Uther was not at all happy about what he needed to say. "Don't you think it isn't already a little bit late for that," Balinor teased with the knowledge that Uther could not do anything to harm him. Because if Balinor decided not to help, Camelot wood be doomed. "Please," Uther gritted his teeth.

"I have conditions," Uther frowned but nodded. Balinor paused for a second, "First of all I don't want to be a fugitive any more, I want to be able to walk around without the fear of getting arrested in the next second." Again Balinor halted for a moment. "Further I want that my family is left alone as well", with those words his face was even more stern than before. Uther seemed to be a little bit confused at the mention of a family. "That can be arranged", his hesitation was not to overhear. "And my last condition is that Kilgharrah, the dragon, will not be killed or locked away again."

Uther jumped up from his throne, "That is outrageous!" Uthers head was almost as read as the fire from Kilgharrah: "The Dragon has to die! He killed so many people, and destroyed so much of the city, he has no right to live. And in addition he is a magical being." "He is the last of his kind", Balinor cried out, "Do you want to be the reason a whole species is extinguished?"

At this comment Uther actually hesitated. "But how do you want to make sure that he will not attack us again?", he still looked like he would be able to explode in the next second. Balinor took a deep breath: "A dragon has to follow the words of a Dragonlord. He is bound to do as I say." He paused for a second, "As much as I don't want it but I would have to stay here, even if that makes it possible to be close to my son."

"You have a son?", Uther was astonished, while Arthur raised only an eyebrow. In contrast to Arthur, Uther knew how the powers of a Dragonlord were passed on, from father to son. "Don't look at me like that I have known that for only two days now", Arthur paled unnoticed by the others at Balinors comment. Even though Merlin said that he was the most unobservant person he noticed more than his servant thought, for example the sudden bond between both, Merlin and Balinor. Not that he would have mad THAT conclusion form the information he had before but with what Balinor just said it made sense, so much more sense than everything else could have come up with. Merlin had to be Balinors son.

That realisation made him take Merlin by the arm and drag him out of the room. With the astonished faces of their fathers. After the doors closed, Arthur still hadn't let go of Merlins arm. Merlin was utterly confused. "Balinor is your father!", that was a statement and not a question. Merlins confusion turned into shock than into fear. "I-I...", Merlin began to stutter. He didn't knew what to say, the truth would be a danger for his live. But he did not want to lie to Arthur another time. His decision was to look to the ground and nod. He was not able to look Arthur in the eyes. He was afraid of what he would see or more than that, that he wouldn't like what he was gonna see.

Arthur could see that his friend was afraid, that is why he decided to pull him into an embrace that was long overdue. After a few seconds Merlin relaxed. "Than my friend you found out who your father is after all", Melin felt proud Arthur called him friend.

All the while Uther and Balinor continued their disagreement about what should happen with Kilgharrah. Uther was at a disadvantage because if Balinor decided not to help there was no other solution than t leave the castle forever. And even though he didn't want to agree to Balinors terms, he had to. So he did with a face that showed everything but relive or happiness. Balinor did agree to send the dragon away, but he would have to stay to make sure that he did not comes back when he was not called. Uther didn't need to know that Kilgharrah would not come back if Balinor told him so.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Balinor stayed in Camelot. After a few weeks he and Merlin visited Hunith and took her back to Camelot with them. Uther was not happy to find out that his son's manservant was Balinor's son, from all people in the world. A few months later Merlin had the courage to tell Arthur about his magic. Let's say Arthur was not surprised at all.

Merlin OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora