Shelly nodded, giving me the okay. I turned back to Frigga and began walking with her through the palace. What could she possibly need to say to me?

Frigga chuckled. 'You're wondering what I have to say, it's not something you would guess. So I'll save you the hassle.' She turned her head to the side to look at me. 'I know you want to pay him a visit. I thought you wouldn't dare forgive him for his actions like most, but past love has made you see things you didn't know you could see in him. I don't think you even know that yourself. You should go see him.'

I pinched my eyebrows together. 'You really think so? But isn't it wrong to feel how I do?'

I knew Frigga was wise and I would always take her advice, but I thought I was feeling wrong to want to see him.

Frigga smiled. 'Believe me, what I see and know about how you are feeling is far more than what you have even come across to think. I will let time sort it out for you, but I know you will understand what I mean when that time comes for you to realise.'

I was very confused by Frigga's words, but I trusted them.

We stopped in our tracks and turned to each other. 'I'll visit him through an illusion of myself. It'll be easier that way and if Shelly sees me, she won't know.

I made an illusion of myself to visit Loki in his cell. Frigga and I continued walking though.

I smirked. 'I've practiced my magic abilities. I'm getting much better and I have to thank you again for helping me with it.'

Frigga waved it off. 'You are quite welcome. It was a short time for you to learn so much but we managed. You did well and I'm sure you will continue to grow and be more familiar with your magic.'

I looked to the floor to hide my smile. 'Thank you.' I looked behind me. 'I should probably head back to Shelly now.'

We stopped and Frigga turned to me, smiling. 'Very well. I shall see you another time.'

I gave a sad smile. 'Maybe, I can't really know when I'll be back.'

Frigga nodded and I gave her a hug before I turned to walk back to Shelly. When I found the balcony she was on, I cleared my throat.

She jumped and turned around. 'Shall we go now?'

I nodded in agreement. She joined my side and we began walking to the Bifrost.

Illusion in Loki's cell.

I had sent my illusion to the corner of Loki's cell. I observed him as he read a book in his green and gold lounge. He had pain in his eyes. He looked lonely and as though something troubled him. He was hurt by the lack of attention from his father. He wanted to be Thor's equal. Thor got a throne when he couldn't. Thor had the birthright to sit on the throne while Loki could not. Loki was a frost giant and he thought Thor was favoured over him just because of who he was. Frigga and Odin never wanted him to feel different. They wanted him to feel like family, because that's who he was to them. That's what Frigga had told me and as I stood and watched him, it all made sense. I could see the pain in his eyes. It sent a rush of sympathy through me to see it.

'Why have you come here?'

I jumped at the sudden disrupt of my thoughts. His voice deep and in question of my presence.

I couldn't reply to his words and began moving towards him.

Loki looked up from his book, closing it. He stood up walking a few steps forward.

A frown forming on his still face. 'You claim to hate me yet you still visit?'

I held my palms out. 'Yeah.'

Asgardian Goddess of Beauty and Battle (Book 1) *Currently Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now