Chapter 29: My Future Husband Is The Jealous Type

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Third Timeline's Sasuke P.O.V

She's here again...

I watched the strange blond girl that I had met a month ago wave at me happily from the school's gates. "Sasuke!" she called out to me.

I sighed as I walked out the gate, passing her, paying her no attention as she joined me on my walk home. A month has passed since she claimed me to be her husband in the future. At first, I was scared, angry, and confused as to why this blond girl was so obsessed with me. She came out of nowhere, claiming something as ridiculous as me marrying her in the future. She even knew my name without us ever meeting before. 

I used to find every possible way to avoid her until her smile slowly began to make me melt. One day, I found myself waiting at the end of basketball practice, wishing for everyone to leave as quickly as possible so I could be with her. She was my secret. A secret I couldn't believe I had allowed myself to grow attached to, and I hated myself for that. 

I glanced to my side to see her walking by my side, talking to me casually as if we had known each other for a long time. I never once contributed to the conversation; I would listen occasionally, only to hear her speak about my supposed future self. She was in love with him; even I could tell just by the way her face would light up when she would bring him up.

It made me angry. Why was she so persistent in being with me when she knew I was nothing like my future self? It wasn't me she wanted; she wanted my future self.

I felt a knot in the pit of my stomach as I thought about this. It made me angry that I seemed to almost be competing with my future self. 

"You know, Sasuke," I heard her say, "You've become softer...almost like him," She giggled before turning to smile at me. "I kinda miss when you were giving me a hard time," she joked. 

Him? Again, I'm being compared...

I looked away as she laughed. Her comparisons were beginning to irritate me. I wanted to run away and find a way to stop all the sudden emotions I was beginning to feel since I had met her. I wanted to stop the emotions that I never wanted to feel for anyone.

I need to get away from her. She isn't good for me. She's making me weak with emotions--

"Sasuke?" she called to me in concern as she tugged on the sleeve of my uniform. 

As I turned to face her, her genuine expression of concern for me began to make me melt again. I had never seen anyone show such care for me other than my mother and brother. And now, this girl, who I've never bothered to learn the name of, is showing me an affection that I don't deserve. 

Fear began to consume me as I felt myself falling into her beautiful blue eyes. This isn't good. I need to stop this now before it gets any worse. 

"Is everything okay-?"

"Stay away from me," I spat harshly while pulling my hand away from her grasp.

Her eyes widened in shock from my sudden outburst. "What?! Why?!"

I clenched my fists in anger, knowing I had to lie to her so I wouldn't let my innermost feelings known. "I've tolerated you for the past month. This is the extent of my generosity. Don't approach me anymore, or I will get the law involved."

"The law?! Sasuke, what the heck just happened?!" She yelled in a state of confused anger.

I bit my lip as I felt the knot in my stomach grow. Don't say anything.

"We were just fine! I don't get what happened!"

"Of course you don't!" I accidentally shouted.

"Okay...then help me understand-"

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