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its is not 7.50 am and annabelle made me update jeez

Hyemin bopped her head to the music that was playing in her earphones, softly singing along to the lyrics, with her waffle in her hand

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Hyemin bopped her head to the music that was playing in her earphones, softly singing along to the lyrics, with her waffle in her hand.

Jiwon had texted her earlier to tell her that she wasn't coming to school because she got sick. Hyemin hated the thought of being alone but she wished that her best friend would get well as soon as possible.

She inhaled when a breeze hit her, loving this feeling. It was still dark outside, the pretty stars painting the dim sky.

This was just something she needed. It was the middle of the week and she just couldn't wait for the weekend to come. She figured she'd take a nice morning walk on one of the weekends

Hyemin realized that the sun was starting to rise, awing at how beautiful it looked. Too bad she didn't bring her camera so she resorted to using her phone instead.

Everything felt so perfect. She had food, she was vibing to the music and the view in front of her just added spice to everything.

There was absolutely nothing  that could disrupt her peace and ambiance―



Sunghoon broke into fits of laughter, clutching his stomach at Hyemin's rather loud reaction. He didn't expect her to scream that loud but her reaction seemed even better than what he expected.

Meanwhile, Hyemin wondered where the hell did he come from. She was so sure that she was deaf by now.

I mean, the spawn of satan himself screamed in her ear and even though she was wearing earphones, it was very impossible not to miss the loud shout of Park Sunghoon against her ear.

"You should've seen your face!" He chortled.

He found it funny, he did. But Hyemin on the other hand did not. Obviously, she didn't. She almost dropped her waffle for god's sake.

And worst of all, her peace was now ruined.

Hyemin wondered how Park Sunghoon always managed to come whenever she was in a good mood, ultimately ruining her good mood with his loud chatter or teasings.

There was no use in getting mad so early in the morning. She wasn't gonna let someone especially Sunghoon ruin the rest of the day.

"Nice to see you too, Sunghoon." She said, words dripping in pure sarcasm. She took a moment to calm herself down.

Hyemin figured that since they're practically (fake) dating, might as well try to get along with him and his shenanigans.

"Can you help me carry my bag?" Sunghoon inquired.

Hyemin eyed him up and down. "Why? Can't you do it yourself?"

"My shoulders hurt from carrying the whole skating industry on my back." He said, amusement pooling in his eyes as he posed for the non-existent camera.

Hyemin couldn't help but roll her eyes at the male's words. A scoff left her lips after. Of course, he'd say something like that, he's Park Sunghoon after all.

"Just how much confidence do you really have, Park?"

"Well, at least I didn't break my leg skating." He grinned, looking down at her literally due to the differences in height.


"How did you feel after though? Like did it hurt?"

"You idiot, of course it did." She took a bite of her waffle. "I thought of quitting skating after that too."

"You did? Why?" Sunghoon was rather shocked to hear this.

"Because of some... complications." Her thoughts drifted away to how tough it was at the time.

Sunghoon couldn't help but frown at her words.

He wished she would've told him about this before but again, they weren't and still aren't even close.

Hyemin smiled. "But everything's okay now so let's not talk about that."

He cleared his throat, "Anyways, let's play rock paper scissors and the loser carries the winners back."

She nodded.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot."

A tie.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot."

A tie again.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot."

Sunghoon did rock and Hyemin did scissors.



They both said in unison.

Instantly, Sunghoon took off his bag and handed it to her. Noticing her frown, he leaned down to her face.

Hyemin's eyes widened at the closeness of their faces. She could smell the familiar mint smell of his shampoo.

Her heart unconsciously started beating faster.

"Look over there," He pointed at something behind her.

Unknown to his tactics, she turned her head. However, as soon as she did, he took a big bite of her waffle.

But it was already too late since Sunghoon had already run away, small giggles leaving his lips because he succeeded.

Once her brain processed the situation, she whined in annoyance, not knowing she was irritated that he had eaten her waffle or that he managed to make her flustered. For a second, she really thought he was gonna kiss her.

"Aish, he's so annoying," Hyemin muttered, but the blush on her cheeks told a different story. 


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