"Alright," Indy hissed at me, shifting her entire body in front of my path. "I've had enough of this. You need to relax."

My eyes narrowed. "I am relaxed."

"Sure you are," Indy rumbled sarcastically, eying the massive black scar that ran down my ruined side. "I know what you're trying to do, and I don't recommend it."

"I'm not asking for your opinion," I rasped, lashing my tail again. "As far as I know, you don't want to leave."

"Why would I leave?"

My jaws clamped together. "It's only a matter of time..."

"Before what?" the hybrid growled. "They're not going to hurt you unless you give them a good reason!" 

I hissed in return, neither agreeing nor denying her statement. But I said nothing more... there really wasn't a good reason to. So Indy flared her nostrils, letting out another low growl. "Bask in the sun if you wish. Eat my share of food if you're hangry, but promise yourself not to-"

I snorted once, roughly pushing past her first foot to step toward the forest ahead. Indy followed from behind, gathering her thoughts briefly as she pushed against my outbursts.

"I don't want you to kill us both, Seven. I like my life, and I won't let you endanger it like this!"

I snorted in annoyance. "Then I'll be careful to keep you out of it."

All of a sudden, a cold chill rushed through my spine, and every little quill on my pale neck shot up like thorns. Instinct took hold of me, and, without thinking, I scrambled back into her shadow, just in time before a massive tree came crashing down in front of me. Leaves aplenty splashed upon my scales, and, once more, the ground shook from the heavy fall of the massive plant. I exhaled shakily, whirling around to face the hybrid, who had compelled this fall, and let out a threatened hiss.

But the expression upon her face appeared more guilty than annoyed by her reaction, and she curled her claws into her chest protectively before she spoke.

"I understand you had a bad history here," Indy grunted, lowering her claws, "and feeling trapped in a pit for six days feels like an eternity, but I doubt they'd drag you in here to be tortured."

I crouched lower, curling my tail and shook my quills in outrage. "You don't know that!"

"Neither do you!" she retorted once more, before she softly closed her eyes in deep apology. "This is no reason to fight about this. Just, please, settle down... and don't think like an erratic hatchling. I don't want you to get more hurt than you already are."

"Oh now you're thinking about me!"

"Hrr..." Indy's lips curled into a snarl. "I wasn't made to not think for myself, otherwise I'd be dead! I don't even know what you're getting at anymore!"

I lashed my tail, flaring my nostrils as I, once more, stared down the massive theropod. "They're going to hurt me if I stay here!"

"You think they are, but they're not. They healed your wounds, what more do you ask?"

"To go home, that's what! Back to Click!"

Indy's claws curled into herself, struggling to hold back another growl. "Please, I'm only trying to help!"

"Then help me escape," I pleaded suddenly, hissing softly just for her to hear. "Help me find my friend, and get me out of this wretched pit!"

Indy reared her neck back, curling her claws into tightened fists, and snarled.

Hybrids: An Indoraptor Story ✓Where stories live. Discover now