"I'm sorry. I haven't explored the rest, I just wanted to write a wish."

"Can you tell me what you wished for?" You poked your head to the messily knotted papers. Kita was quick to extend his arms, a playful way of saying no. "If I do then it won't come true." He said. "You know that's not true."

Kita knew you were persistent when curious. "Okay, fine." He started. "I wished for good health." Kita wasn't a liar, his grandmother always taught him the significance of telling the truth but he's also uptight about his wish not coming true. "That's sounds so much like you." He raised a brow at your comment. "Is that a compliment?"

You and Kita scoured some food stalls, opting for the sweeter ones. You were surprised to not hear him scold you about being healthy, after all, it was a lot of sweets. But your suspicions were answered when you saw him enjoying the supposedly unhealthy foods. "It's my cheat day." He answered as if reading your mind.

"Every day is my cheat day." You took him to see your favorite food stalls and sometimes stopped to look at items from one of the vendors. The items varied depending on the vendor. Some sold animal masks and cute accessories. Kita seemed to find the fox mask to be his favorite, "It reminds me of Atsumu." He smiled, touching the painted whispers with delicate fingers.

It was an orange fox mask with two slanted holes for eyes. You had chosen another fox mask, this time a white one. "This one reminds me of you." You raised the mask to show him.

You had always compared him to a winter fox. Gentle and majestic is what you would describe them. Kita appeared to be slightly amused, nodding with a small smile. "It even has cute little bangs like yours!" You pointed at his forehead that was slightly damped with his sweat. It was packed, the weather outside the crowd was cold. With all the people pushing against each other it was hectic.

You two ended up purchasing your favorite masks, Kita choosing the white mask and you a personal pick.

It was nearing midnight and people were leaving the lit-up streets full of vendors to join their friends on the grass field. Kita helped you carry the blanket you brought, along with the goodies you saved for your friends. "Let's go there." He pointed at a tall tree, an isolated spot away from the noise of the crowd. Kita carefully set the soft blanket on the cold grass, patting it down to get rid of all the crease.

When he was done he nodded at you to come to sit next to him. Kita looked so beautiful under the night sky. He's calm, staring into the void of darkness whilst sitting on the cold green grass. "It's near," Kita whispered, half-lidded brown eyes glancing back at you.

The night did wonder on furnishing his beauty. Kita's hand unexpectedly intertwined with yours, his skin was slightly rough from the years he practiced volleyball but his gesture was gentle nonetheless. "It is. Are you excited?" You asked him. You felt his thumb brush circles against your knuckles. "I am." He doesn't seem excited but he was always hard to read.

You could see a faint sadness from the way he tried to not let his smile falter into a frown, eyes blinking slowly and he's more quiet than usual. "Shinsuke, is something wrong?"

Kita remained silent for a few moments. He seemed to be fighting with himself. "Can I tell you something? I want to be honest." He said. You merely nodded, giving him some time to think. Kita continued, "I... I think I'm scared. Our graduation is coming and you'll have to leave soon. I don't want to hold you back because I want you to be able to live your life."

He closed his eyes and leaned his head back. "It hurts, to be honest. I don't know what to make of it but what I'm sure of is that I don't want to be selfish." Kita squeezed your hand. "I didn't want to bring this up but I don't want to wake up every day knowing the day of your departure is getting nearer."

In The Garden |♡︎♥︎ [Kita Shinsuke] [√]Where stories live. Discover now