I don't wanna leave you

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Rosé was invited to the met gala with a plus one, Rosie knew immediately who to take with her and that was her beautiful girlfriend, Y/n. Taking the fact that Y/n and Rosé have been dating for 4 months now, Rosé felt like y/n was her last, this was going to be the person she was going to marry and have a family with.
Rosé never felt this much in love as she does right now and that's why she decided to finally bring Y/n to one of her events.

Y/n was a ceo of one of the most richest companies in South Korea although she inherited from her dad she definitely deserved her position. Since she took her dad's place the company has only be growing richer and richer by the minute she was also a very nice boss but she knew how to put order, Y/n could be scary at times. Y/n was also famous in her company for being drop gorgeous making a lot of men and women fall for her at her work but Y/n only had eyes for one person and that was Rosé, since y/n met Rosé her heart only belonged to Rosé and Rosé only.

How did Rosé and Y/n ended up together is a funny story actually and it might be the most cliché stories you'll ever hear but everything started when Rosé was performing in Australia for her last tour concert with blackpink. Rosé was staying at a hotel with the girl in Sidney, it was hot that day and it was night so Rosé decided to take a dip in the pool of the hotel. Meanwhile Y/n was also staying at the same hotel for one of her business trips to do some negotiation as usual and just like Rosé she decided to take a dip in the pool so she could relax before she could get in all the business stress on the next day.

You would think that everyone would go to the pool since it hot outside at night but no one was there besides the two. They arrived at the same time but sat far far from each other, stealing glances at one another.

Rosé was mesmerized by y/n beauty and charm, she had never seen someone like this before. Rosé's heart fluttered the same instant her eyes met with Y/n's. She tried to avoid the most contact she could in case she did something stupid but she would also try to catch y/n's attention, which Rosé didn't know.

Y/n was stunned by Rosé's everything, she even thought she was about to die and this is the angel picking up her soul but she soon realized it was real life when Rosé broke the eye contact and walked away. Y/n was disappointed by her sudden shyness because she thought it was a sign to back off. Y/n would look at Rosé when she wasn't looking but it wasn't working since they were making eye contact very often and Rosé broke it all of those times but when she saw Rosé taking her robe out and laying on the chair still made her very flustered and sure that Rosé was trying to catch Y/n's attention.

Y/n decided to dip in the water from all the heat she was getting from Rosé and the weather. She was now in the pool and with her back facing Rosé while she took the excess of water out of her eyes so she could open them, Rosé thought this was the perfect occasion to dip in as well so she did but ended up accidentally bumping into Y/n. Rosé came up and immediately apologized.

"Oh i'm sorry, I didn't think you would be here still ugh i'm so clumsy sorry" Rosé looked like a tomato, she was dead embarrassed of what happened since she accidentally touched Y/n's butt.

"It's fine don't worry, I will let this one pass since you're drop dead gorgeous and angel like" Y/n said evidently flirting, she thought this was the perfect time to make a move and it worked because Rosé got even redder than she was before. The only thing Rosé could think of doing is throwing water at Y/n because she was speechless and she didn't know how to answer her anyways so that's what Rosé did and without a second thought Y/n felt a splash of water on her face.

"What was that for angel?" Y/n took it lightly so she was laughing at it.

"For leaving me speechless" Rosé was furrowing her eyebrows and pouting.

"Then it worked and I didn't deserve this after all that's the whole point in flirting" y/n chuckled at Rosé's figure.

"Are you always this bold with the girls you flirt then?" The aussie accent came stronger than ever leaving Y/n fascinated.

"I wouldn't say all, only the ones who with a aussie accent, bleached hair, slim body, brown eyes, almond shaped eyes, perfect shaped lips and maybe slightly shy" It took a while for Rosé to understand that Y/n was describing her and she was once again speechless so she splashed water once again at y/n's face.

"If you don't stop i won't either, devil woman" Y/n was laughing hard at the nickname Rosé gave her.

"If i'm a devil woman and you're an angel i think we were meant to meet then" Y/n got closer to Rosé and Rosé was getting goosebumps from all this flirting and the breeze it was heating her skin.

"You're cold? Let's head out" Y/n put her arms around Rosé and led her to where her stuff were, Y/n enrolled Rosé in the towel she brought it for herself.

"You don't need to i have my own i will just get it wai-" Rosé was leaving to get her towel when Y/n grabbed her wrist and pulled her a little but Rosé lost her balance and fell right on top of Y/n's lap.

"Wow this is your first bold move, i have to say it's a really good one" Rosé heard it and realized how closed they were because Y/n was barely whispering. Rosé got up and composed herself and went back to the water, Y/n followed behind her.
They stayed talking and splashing water at each other her and there, they ordered some wine and drank it while in the pool.

Rosé and Y/n were so invested in each other that they didn't notice anything around them not even time, they also didn't want this moment to end since they got to know each other better and that made them even more attracted to one another.

"I know it sounds crazy but I really like you and I know i just met you and know pretty much nothing but i do feel great with you" Y/n spoke truthfully.

"Same here, I've opened up more with you than everyone in my life right now when I first met them and taking the fact that I'm attracted to you for some crazy reason" Rosé also spoke truthfully with a big smile on her face.

"I wish I could see you again maybe when you're back in Korea?" Y/n asked hoping Rosé wouldn't reject her.

"I would definitely love to" Rosé giggled at Y/n getting butterflies from all of Y/n's actions.

They exchanged numbers and here we are now with Rosé in the met gala with Y/n as her plus one. They were very happy to hear that Y/n was coming since she was a very successful business woman and promising sponsor.

It was time to stand and take pictures, Y/n had her arm around Rosé's waist very tightly so she wouldn't leave but once some pictures were talen they asked for Rosé elsewhere and for Y/n to stay so they could they individual pictures of her beauty. Y/n was reluctant at first but let her go and whispered something in her ear.

"Good luck i'll meet you later" Rosé smiled at you and whispered a quick "I don't wanna leave you" not having any time for a reply because they took her away from you so she could attend what she had to attend. You kept looking in her direction till some photographer called your name so you'll look at the cameras.

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