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I look up from washing the dishes.

It's Jungkook. He looks frustrated with himself, and I give him a worried glance when he comes to sit down at the dinner table. His head is in his hands.

I stop doing the dishes.

Jungkook, I sign. What's wrong?

"I tried to find food in the Western Forests." He says, his hair messy. I pick off a stray twig, nodding. "But there's nothing. The only place left is over there, and I—"

He jerks his head towards the Elven Forests.

Jungkook, no.

"I know, Rinei."

"Is mother still with father?" He asks, and I nod again. She hadn't left his side for a week now, and there were shadows in her face that hadn't been there before.

I offer him a small plate of bacon and rice.

"Give it to mother." He says, pushing it away to my dismay. "She needs it more than I do."

I sign angrily.

You haven't eaten in two days. I've already given mother food. Don't be stubborn.


He sighs. Then he signs back at me, his expression firm. He only ever signed when he really meant it. As if using his hands instead of his voice emphasized his meaning.


I sigh. When would he realize that he himself had to stay healthy and fed for our family?

Stubborn idiot. I'll be back with water.

I pick up the empty bucket. Before I leave the door, I throw back one last glance. And Jungkook is looking out at the window, a hand cupped around his jaw.

He's looking at the Elven Forests.



Idiot, idiot.

The bucket drops from my hands to the floor with a heavy thud. But I ignore it when some of the water spills over, splashing onto the carpet.

Say that again.

But mother doesn't understand my signing. She gives me an exhausted look, dark circles under her eyes. Her voice is tired, from staying up the nights to take care of father.

"Rinei, you know I can't understand what you're saying."

Urgency and frustration bubbles in my throat as I roughly tear a page of blank paper from the notebook sitting on the counter. Then I scribble, so fast that my handwriting is barely legible.

Where did you say Jungkook went?

She blinks as she peers over my writing.

"To find some food." She repeats. "Don't worry. He said that he'd be back soon."

No, no, no.

"Rinei? Where are you going?"

I snatch a cloak off the hanger. Then I wrap it around my shoulders, too rushed to write an answer back to her. I couldn't, even if she'd made me stay and answer her.

Jungkook had gone to the Elven Forests, hadn't he?

I'd seen the way that he'd been looking at the forest just before I'd left. And now I'm regretting it with all my heart that I'd left him alone.

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