Ch 16 | Anger

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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

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I heard someone knocking on the door.. First I ignored it and went to sleep back.. But I heard it again.. I opened my eyes and saw Jungkook sleeping peaceful having me in his embrace.. I got up and shaked him.. "Hey.. Someone's at door.." I said.. and he got up rubbing his eyes.. We changed the passcode of the house after we were getting too involved physically.. Cause we never knew when our parents come back.. and lucky us.. it was helpful today.. We both got up and went down.. He opened the door.. relieving our parents..

They came in.. "Why you changed the passcode?" asked his dad.. Jungkook opened his mouth to say something but I was fast.. "A worker got to know the passcode on day so we changed it.." I said.. he didn't seem to believe it.. "The tv in my room wasn't working so I had to let him in.. I wasn't sure if he noticed passcode.. So I changed it as soon as he left.. just in case.." I said.. Jungkook seemed bothered by me lying.. but didn't said anything.. His dad just nodded.. and my mom went straight to their room and his dad followed her..

"Follow me" said jungkook and walked up.. I sighed and followed him.. once we were back in his room he crossed his arms at chest.. "Explain" he said.. "What else we could have said?" I asked.. "The truth off course" he said.. "The truth that we were worried that you might see us fucking when you enter the house?" I said.. "Yes" he said.. I frown my brows..

He came close.. "Didn't you told me yesterday you want us to start a new beginning without any fear?" He asked.. I looked down and nodded.. "But.. I was scared" I mumbled.. I heard him sighing.. he came and hugged me.. "Ok.. let's not talk about this again.. we'll tell them about us after my national exams.. Alright?" he asked.. I hum smiling..


We all were having breakfast together.. Like after months.. Which I really don't like.. If it was us two.. we would have been talking nonstop even while having breakfast.. But today.. It was dead silence.. "I heard you you met your mom?" his dad asked.. "Yes" he answered.. "But why would you take Jia with you?" he asked.. I looked at him.. How did he came to know about it? Mom looked at me too.. Don't tell me they are keeping eyes on us.. Jungkook looked up.. "It's none of your business.." he said clenching his jaws..

I had never seen jungkook angry outside college.. And in college too it was always because of Chan Yun.. I holded his hand under table.. he intertwined our hands still glaring his dad.. His dad raised his brows.. "And I heard you are preparing for nationals?" He asked.. "Yes.." he said.. without hesitating.. "You're not going to give national.. as soon as you graduate.. you're working with me" his dad said.. more like an order to follow.. His intertwined hand with me tighten.. I know jungkook always wanted to be a detective.. he told me this once..

(A/n - As it's ff.. Let's consider you need to pass a national exam to get into Police Department)

"And who gives you right to order me like that" He said.. I can feel anger in his voice.. He let my hand go and banged his hand on table making me flinch at his action.. "I'M NOT A KID ANYMORE WHO'LL LISTEN TO YOUR EVERY ORDER.." he said getting up.. His dad to got up and did what I expected the least.. He slapped Jungkook.. making his face turn in other direction.. I covered my mouth in shock.. How can he slap a grown up man like that.. "Honey.. You should atleast not slap him in front of us" said my mom..

"What the fuck do you mean by 'atleast not in front of us'? He should not slap him anyway.. How dare he?" I said getting up.. Jungkook left with a chuckle out of annoyance.. "Jungkook.." I called him.. but he didn't listen to me.. "You know what? You two should stop acting as our parents" I said.. "You little bitch.. Who taught you to speak against elders?" Said my mom getting up.. "Yes... NO ONE WAS THERE TO TEACH ME.." I said..

"You know why? Cause the woman whom I call mom was busy dating another man cause my Dad was dead.." I said.. she opened her mouth to speak something.. But his dad lifted his palm stopping her.. "We're getting late for office honey" he said.. "We'll talk about it later" she said and they left.. I sighed and rushed up to see jungkook..

I knocked on his door once.. No response.. Again I knocked on his door.. but this time.. I heard the noise of something breaking.. So I opened the door without his permission.. I was shocked seeing the view ahead me.. Everything was on the floor broken.. I saw jungkook having a glass cut on his palm through which blood is flowing too much..

"Are you crazy jungkook.. how can you.." I didn't complete the sentence and rushed to him.. as soon as I held his hand in mine.. He jerked it away.. "Leave" he said.. not even looking at me.. I ignored him and again tried to look at his wound.. "I SAID LEAVE JIA" he shouted.. which made me flinch.. "I'M NOT LEAVING" I shouted back...

He didn't said anything and just kept looking in my eyes.. I held his wrist and dragged him to the bed.. Made him sit on the edge of bed and brought the first aid kid.. Bandaging his hand.. I kept lecturing him.. "Are you a kid? How can you hurt yourself soo easily? Is it your hobby to make me worry about you? Huh?" I said finally putting bandage on his hand..

I found him staring me with blank face.. I sat beside him on bed.. waiting for his answer.. he suddenly pulled me closer to him by waist making our nose touch.. "I'm sorry" he said.. I nodded.. I sensed he needs me to calm down his anger.. I don't mind it.. I got closer and smashed my lips on his.. he started kissing me without wasting a second.. His anger was clearly felt in his kiss.. He was way to dominating then he ever had been with me..

I was lost in kiss when he suddenly pull away and moved a little away from me.. "Leave Jia.. I can hurt you." he said.. I got closer to him.. "I don't care.. I just can't see you like this Jungkook.. Please" I said.. "I won't be able to go easy on you" he said.. "It's alright" I said.. He didn't wasted time and pulled me closer to him kissing me again..

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें