"Did you just say something Sidhu?", I heard Nidhi Di and I laughed seeing Bhai's reaction

"No baby, you get back to your work", Bhai said

"I thought it was just me Bhai.. you gradually made me realize that be it whosoever you are, we will always be a kitten infront of our wife's", Arjun said

"What do you imply Arjun, I'm controlling you or beating the shit of you or scolding you every now and then or what? Could you elaborate?", I glared at him

"See, this is what I was saying about", he said

"But you ar'nt less either.. don't you do the same? How many time you keep that puppy face of yours and I had to come around like a lost puppy behind you to convince you back? Such a kid you are with me and taunt me back huh?", I asked

"I at times do that intentionally Divi and you know it as well, I like when you pamper me like a kid", he blushed

God, what do I do with him? He has become so bold over the years..

It's been two and a half years to Anu's marriage, my re-marriage. And it was just smiles ever since then and I couldn't ask for anything else in my life.

I joined my new office here and thankfully I could mingle with everyone and made a few friends there as well.

Although now I could cook Arjun haven't allowed me to, all he said was he loved to cook for me like our past days and I couldn't say a no to him.

Mornings waking up next to him, cooking with him, going to our respective work place and coming back with that eagerness to meet him each day to share my daily events with him without fail which even he does with equal interest.

Again cook our dinner together which probably he would cook and me sitting on the kitchen slab talking non stop and then having a little "Us" time to cuddling together in eachother arms it was just perfect.

And Sundays it was our day where all we do is spend time with eachother or sometime go out together which most of the times I deny being the lazy one who always prefer my phone and my room since my childhood..

Every month visiting our parents place to having silly and cute fights with Arjun.. life has been so perfect so far.

What more do I need other than this? My loved ones around, a satisfying job, and the peace I have within without any tension.. this is all I ever need.

"Hello Mrs. Wife, back to world", Bhai said

"Sorry", I muttered

"Enough now, it's gonna be time.. shall we leave?", Mom asked and we nodded

Arjun is gonna be awarded the best Bussiness Man award for the year, I have seen him working hard for this along side making enough time for me. This is best thing I love about him, although his work is very important to him he never let it eat our time unless for a few unavoidable situations.

This is such a proud moment for me as his wife and the moment I got to know I couldn't express my happiness, he's not just a perfect husband but a perfect bussiness man as well.

I have seen how his employees love and respect him coz of his kind and soft going nature unlike any other rude and tough boss I have read in my novels.

Anyways, my husband is one of a kind and I feel the most luckiest to have him. After 6 years I met him, we keep loving eachother more and more every single day!

"I love you", I whispered locking my arms with his

"I love you more sweetheart", He side hugged me

Till Death Do Us Apart ✔️Where stories live. Discover now