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Louis has really been patient towards you during these days. Sometimes he would do your hair and you liked his hands on your hair.

He would compliment you here and there from times to times but would never pull anything on you.

"Don't worry I will wait for you"Louis said smiling
"Even if it takes more than five years?"You asked
"I will wait forever if it means you will give me your answer"Louis said patting you head

You never knew why it took you a long time to give him an answer. You weren't ready to sit and be in relationship moreover your were scared.

Louis wouldn't admit that he is hurt but he would forgive you because he can't be mad at you. You lit up his life more than anyone. He never seemed to get anyone's attention due to his personality.

But you would always appreciate him saying sweet little nothing to him. You had him on your fingers which he would smile about it sometimes.

So when you graduated after three years you asked him to be your date for the party. He was surprised but was mostly happy about it.

You two went shopping for clothes together and decided to eat dinner outside. He couldn't be any more happier than he was. You asked him to go to photo booth that you two saw on the way.

"Come on let's take some pictures for memories"You said grabbing his hand and taking him with you.
"Sure then"Louis replied smiling at you

You and him took were given the photos and bought of you kept it with you. Louis would look at it reminding himself of that day.

The next day he was in his salon doing his customer's hair when you came over to the salon.

"Louis"You called out seeing him
"Y/n what are you doing here?"Louis asked
"I want to work here"You said giving him your resume and he was impressed by it.

"I never knew you were interested in making wigs when?"Louis asked whole working his way with his customer.

"Well you know I am you know an otaku and I have seen Fuuto cosplaying a lot and I thought of making wigs for you know for those who like anime or those who like having mixed wigs since coloring their hair is not healthy"You said

"So you want to be a wig maker and sell it?"Louis asked
"Yes and I really want to use that storage room as my room of making it it will do us good for both us"You said
"Sure then"Louis said

And so you started using the storage room as a place to make wigs and display it. You and Louis added the part where there are wigs for those that wanna cosplay.

Fuuto was the one who helped out he cosplayed tagging Louis's salon and a lot came in soon.You decided to put it on online for shopping as well.

Sooner you and Louis had employees and Louis decided to expand his business.

"Y/n"Louis called out as you and him closed the shop and were drinking hot drinks together.
"Yes?"You replied.

"I don't think I might be able to wait longer"Louis said
"It's okay I understand you but don't worry"You said

A part of him wanted you to say that you liked him
back he thought you don't like him when you said that.

"Because I love you too"You added
"What?"Louis said
"I know it took me a long time the truth is I liked you long time ago but I was scared of being in relationship that is why I have been going out with you"You said

"You meant it what you said when we were at the booth"Louis said
"Yeah everytime I said I like you I meant it it's just I wasn't ready to commit"You said.

"I thought you were saying that you liked me as a friend"Louis said
"No no I meant it why else would I have taken you as my date for the graduation party"You said

Louis nodded at your words as you two looked at each other.

"Can I kiss you?"Louis asked
"Yeah"You said

Louis's hand slowly caressed your cheek before he pressed his lips onto yours. You kissed him back as you followed his lead. He parted his lips as your tongue intertwined with his.

You heard him moan slightly by your action before both of you broke the kiss. You looked at him before both of your forehead pressed onto each other.

"I love you Louis"You said
Louis's eyes widened as his heart skipped a beat. He was beyond happy that you said that you loved him.
"I love you too"Louis said as you smiled

You and Louis didn't even think to make things slow you two decided to get engaged soon but because some of you couldn't hold themselves you got pregnant.

"Louis uh I know this isn't what we planned but-"you said showing him the result as he held it on his hand.
Two lines on it being positive then he looked at you before hugging you.
"Is this real"Louis asked
"Yes babe"You said

"I love you Y/n"Louis said hugging you kissing your cheek and forehead as he rubbed your belly.
"I am gonna take good care of both of you I promise"Louis said.

He has kept his promise of taking care of you so when you were giving birth to your child. He cried seeing how you much you were in pain and screaming.

He didn't let go of your hand despite your strong grip on his hand. You and him smiled when the baby was handed to you. You two were blessed with a boy. You looked at Louis as tests rolled down your cheek.

He wiped it as he kissed your forehead. He came by everyday and would stay until late to keep you company in the hospital. The Asahina brother and Ema came to visit as well. They were so chaotic.

When you were finally out Louis drive you back to your new house but Ema was there and Ukyo. They won't stop talking about how you need rest since you gave birth.

You breast fed your child before going to sleep. Louis layed behind you as his arms held your wait bringing him close to him. You brought his bandaged hand up to your lips as you kissed it. You were tired.

"I am sorry I didn't have time for you"You said now turning to face him. He shook his head at your responses.
"It's fine I know"Louis said
"I love you Louis you know that right?"You said

"I love you too and I know"Louis said
"Thank you Louis"You said
"For what?"Louis asked

"For being apart of my life I don't know what would I would do without you?"You said

"Well from now on we are going to be husband and wife"Louis said
"It's a little bit funny"You said
"What is?"Louis asked

"I had Asahina as my last name untill your father let go of me since I too old to need a legal guardian but now I am joining back in as a wife"You said
"I like the sound of it"Louis said

"I agree it seems that I fit as your wife"You said
"Oh don't tease me i can see your face"Louis said as you laughed.
"Should we get a cat?"Louis asked

"Yeah I would like a pet"You said smiling
"Okay then we will get one as soon our baby started crawling"Louis said
"Deal"You said

"Thank you for waiting"You said
"It's nothing thank you for answering me"Louis said
You hugged him before both of you went to sleep.

That's it for this ending

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