ᴛʜɪʀᴅ ᴡʜᴇᴇʟ? ɪx

295 14 3

A/n: since I was asked for Yusuke x reader it's time to give Yusuke attention too.

Entrance exam

You, Yusuke and Ema are going to Hindo academy bro each one of you have Entrance exams.
You are ready for it as you have been studying all night with Yusuke and Ema.

You were making breakfast for yourself in case you stayed outside for too long.

"Ahhh I'm glad we have a whole week break before the entrance exam"You said
"Yeah, I  had such great time"Yusuke said
"Same"Ema said

As you guys were walking you saw a lot of girls screaming blocking someone.
"Don't tell me it's Fuuto"You said
"That stinking brat"Yusuke said
"Hi I'm Fuuto Asakura will be attending Hindo academy"Fuuto said
"Shit"You said

Fuuto walked over to your three and whispered to Ema then walked over to you.
"Let's have fun together okay"He said

You could swear you got shivers because of last time when you played truth or dare. Some of your brothers remember it while some forgot about it.

You didn't mind them forgetting them because you didn't want them on your neck like they are with Ema. You only know that Kaname remembers it cuz he teased you about it.

"Are you okay?"Yusuke asked
"Yeah! Where did Ema go?"You asked
"She ran off somewhere"Yusuke said

"Do you wanna grab something before we start the exam"You asked with your hand shaking with nervousness.
"Of course"Yusuke said grabbing your shaking hand with him as he walked away.

He took you to a store close to the school. You two bought each other Onigiri and flavored milk (A/n: I would get bananas milk the best)
"You are going to do great"Yusuke said holding both of your hands and looking at you.

"I- thank you Yusuke I appreciate it"You said
Yusuke flicked your forehead as you started running after him.
"Let me flick your forehead too"You said
"NOPE"Yusuke said

"If I get you, you are getting a flip"You jumped on to his back because he stopped moving. He placed his hand on your mouth. You looked infront of you. It was Ema and Fuuto.

"Why am I not surprised"You thought
"They are about to kiss"Yusuke whispered
You signaled him to let go of your mouth.
"Are you not gonna stop them?"You asked

"Yeah no! Why?"Yusuke asked
"The Yusuke I know is like Mammon and would ruin such thing to happen to Ema"You said
"Well"Yusuke stopped and looked at you.
"Well?"You asked

"I remember what happened that night""Yusuke said
"What night"You asked stupidly.
"That day we played truth or dare"Yusuke said
"Ah huh"You said listening carefully

"We kissed"Yusuke said
"Did we?"You asked slowly loosing dignity by seconds
"Um nevermind forget I said anything"Yusuke said with tint of pink on both of his cheeks
"Let's go or they will see us"You said
"Yeah"Yusuke said holding your hand

You didn't protest at all because you like it when your hand is held. Yusuke and you walked all the way back to class for the entrance exam.

After the entrance exam

"Oi Y/n"Yusuke called you as you were walking out of the school to the gates.
"Yeah"You replied turning back to look at him
"Do you wanna hang out with me?"Yusuke asked with his eyebrows raised up.

"Okay it depends where?"You asked
"Amusement park"Yusuke said
"OH! Come on let's go already"You said grabbing his hand with you to drive the motorcycle.

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