Chapter 52

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Taehyung's POV

The dude I met years ago in this very bar.

Ugh he's seriously not the person I want to see after years.

"Hey friend, we meet again!" He smiles, his hair still as long as it last was but blonde this time. I politely smiled back at him greeting with a simple 'hey'.

"It seems to be that we always meet when you're depressed" He commented. Come to think of it, I have no idea what his name is. I never asked the last time, maybe because I was too drunk.

"I'm your knight in shining armor" He nudged my shoulder with he's. He's still weird, just like I remember.

"How have you been?" I asked slipping my phone into my pocket.

"Been good!" He yelled for no reason.

Dude I can hear you no need to yell.

"Hey hey!" He whispered pointing behind me "Some chick keeps checking you out! Why don't you invite her over or go to her" I looked behind me to see someone staring at me just like he said.

At that moment, my heart stopped, if that's even possible. She stood up from the couch where she sat with her legs crossed to approach me.

I remember sitting on that very couch the first time I walked into this club with the guys, and she was behind this very bar.

She looks just like I remember.

My YN.

"YN?!" My supposed friend by my side exclaimed in shock, does he know her? How does he know her?

"Hey Hyungjin" YN said and hearing her voice after a long time made my stomach swarm with butterflies.

Hyungjin? That name sounds familiar. Where have I heard it?

"What are you doing here? It's been long" YN glanced at me as I stood there awkwardly staring at them. This isn't the perfect reunion I dreamt of.

"Hyungjin let's catch up later okay?" She took my hand pulling me towards the door and into a car that looks like Yoongi's car.

"Hey" She said smiling at me. I couldn't find the words to explain the happiness radiating through my entire being.

YN's infront of me. After two years I finally get to see her.

After waiting for so long.

"Taehyung are you going to sa-" Not letting her say any other word, I leaned forward pressing her lips onto mine. She parts her lips as I slip my tounge into her mouth to deepen the kiss. My hands on her waist pulling her closer to me. I've missed this, her warmth, her sent, her lips, all of her.

My mind goes blank and I swear I feel like I'm floating. Her mouth was sweet and tastes like fruit s as my right hand slips behind her neck.

"Tae-" she pulls away from the kiss whispering my name. "Don't you think I should be your girlfriend before you kiss me?" She smiles.

Right, we broke up.

"Will you be my girlfriend YN?" I asked desperately. YN nodded quickly smiling with tears streaming down her cheeks and of course I joined in. 

"I missed you so fucking much" I pulled her in for a hug never wanting to let go ever again. "I felt like I was going to die when you left" I cried out while she patted my back.

"I'm not going anywhere" She reassured me. I don't think I would allow her out of my sight again after getting her back.

I pulled away just enough to see her face "I'm sorry, about what happened, about Lia and everything"

"You don't need to apologize, let's go back home, I've already met the others, they told me where to find you" She buckled her seat belt ready to drive back home.

"Bethany refused to tell me when you would be back, I guess you were already coming back"

"It told her not to tell you" She glanced at me before returning her gaze to the busy road.

"YN" She hummed "I love you" I confessed my undying love to her intertwining our fingers together and resting it on my lap.

"I love you too" She said

"No don't say that, my name isn't too, it's Taehyung" I joked earning her beautiful loud laugh I thought I would never be able to hear again.

"I love you too Kim Taehyung" I smiled wider than I've ever done in two years that it actually began to hurt my cheeks.

We sat in silence, a comfortable and comforting silence driving back home as the street lights shone into the car.

If I were to be asked what I think about life, my answer would be that life is an absolutely beautiful thing and way too short not to experience the joys of every single thing it has to offer, both the sad moments and the happy once.

I was once the kind of guy that never did relationships, I used girls just for the pleasure.

That was what I also my reason for approaching YN, but life had other plans.

Other better plans.



"They're back!"  I heard jungkook yell as Tae and I walked into the house hand in hand.

"Yo! We're finally complete!" Hobi ran into the living room dragging Luna along with him. Luna didn't hesitate to show me how angry with me she is with the way she kept glaring at me. Her anger is justified, infact everyone should resent me with the way I left.

But here they all are welcoming me like their own families.

They're my family.

The family I never had.

"Someone get Luna a knife to stab YN" Mark said making Luna shoot him a murderous glare.

"Hey!" I said to Luna In a low voice expecting to be yelled at but instead I'm engulfed in a hug.

Luna's hugging me.

"Don't do something like that again you fool" Her grip on my frame tightened and her voice sounded like she's crying. I tried to pull away but she pulled me back.

"Stay still, no one should see me crying" She whispered in a threatening way.

"Then let's get you inside like this" I whispered back, as we started walking into the room still hugging.

"Hey what are you guys doing!" Taehyung asked with a raised brow.

"Shut it pretty boy" Luna scowled with her face still buried in the crock of my neck.

"What are you both going to do inside huh?" Jimin scolded getting dirty thoughts.

We both ignored the stares walking away still clinged to each other.

"Ugh get off me!" Luna slightly pushed me away immediately we got into Taehyung's room making my scoff.

This bitch.

"Look I wasn't crying, I've been having a bad eye sight these days so-"

"Yes ma'am I understand" I said  laughing out loud and she joined wiping the last drop of tears.

"Hey! Return my YN to me you thief" we heard taehyung yell from the sitting room.

I'm so happy to be back.


Next chapter is the last and final chapter!!

Are you excited?

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