Chapter 35 ~ dead

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After a few days from the incident Bakugo returned back to his usual self but on the other hand Y/N completely lost it , she tried to kill herself a few times after , like hanging herself , pills , even she used a knife and dug it into her heart , still she wouldn't die no matter how she tried Zack or Bakugo would save her , no matter how much she desired death everyone wouldn't give her a chance to.

All she thought of was death , all she spoke about was death , she won't eat and barely drinks , doesn't want to get out of her room , always wanting to be lonely , brokenhearted , dishonest . All she craved was death and still until now it's like the best thing anyone would give to her

At lunchtime

"Y/N you haven't touched your food , is it not to your liking?" Deku asked "I don't want to eat , thank you , Dabi increase the chief's salary " Y/N said looking away and Dabi nodded slowly not knowing what to do with Y/N until Zack and Bakugo come back , it pains everyone in that house of what happened to Y/N

She became dull less energetic just tired of everything and worst of all emotionless , she was a mess , Zack and Bakugo returned after a while , Bakugo went up to check on Y/N , "she hasn't ate anything since this morning " Dabi told him as he climbed the stairs to Y/N's room.

"Why don't you want to eat ?" Bakugo said as he entered her room " I just don't feel like it , everything I would swallow would always come back again , so I have to throw up " she said looking away , Bakugo sat next to her on her bed and said "I don't know what to do anymore , to you had always been energetic and positive , lovely and promising , warm and strong , beautiful and kind , you who made me realize and learn how to live my life,

I hate to see you like this , and I also can't force you to do anything , Y/N you know I still love you right? You know that I missed you every night I slept , I would always dream of you , of how much you are to me , of how I couldn't accept life without you , of how I wanted to be next you at every moment of your life , to support you and help you , I never wanted to see you sad or crying , or hurting , but it's alright let it out , say everything you want to say , you know I would still listen to you no matter what you said , you know right? "
Y/N looked in Katsuki's eyes for a while and then touched his face gently with her arms "I don't want to hide anything anymore , but I don't know the consequences of telling you the truth " "no matter what happens from now on we will face it together , you don't have to be alone anymore , and I don't have to be away from you again " Katsuki said holding her other hand

"You know I still love you , too , I still love your caramel scent and your soft hair and looks hard , your beautiful crimson eyes , your strong yet soft personality , but you may not accept what I am about to say-" "I will" "fine it was your choice , you were the one who wanted to know , and here's the truth about my life " "Katsuki Bakugo I am not from this world , I am from another world where you used to be a show that I used to watch when I was little

My childhood was rough , I had alcoholic step parents , I would get beaten regularly and sometimes I would get raped , I never saw my real parents nor do I know their names , but one day I was driving home from my ex's place running away from whatever he was going to do with me and eventually my car crashed and I passed out , soon I woke up to see myself into this body , the owner of this body had taken my life while I had also taken hers

I wanted to live here even though I knew I wasn't meant to and that this was a mistake, I didn't want to believe it , so I lived here and faced alot of problems , as soon as I took all the memories of this body's owner it felt like I had become one with them , it felt like I can feel anything she felt and she also can feel anything I feel

The only one who knew about this was Gaido , because he was the one who made it happen , Gaido's quirk is teleportation to any place , and any body....he switched our lives , because of a wish that has been made by the body's owner

But I had suffered alot , I got tired , but she always stood beside me , helped me out , she became my reason to live , but now that she is gone forever and that I only hear her faint voice playing inside my head , I don't want to live , I have no purpose in life , I am not useful anymore I have taken my revenge and done all the things I wanted but I will stay stuck in this body till I bear a daughter or son , and choose whether I want to live or die , that's the curse that is keeping me alive till now "

Bakugo was very shocked he didn't know what to think or say , he didn't believe she just came clean about everything which was what she just did , it took him a few minutes to take it all in and started asking questions , which Y/N acutally answered

"Now all I can think of is how to survive , it feels alot better after telling someone about it , it feels like a weight I have been holding for a few years had finally fallen off my shoulders " Y/N said as she looked at Bakugo with sadness and hope , while he was looking at her not knowing what is real anymore but will believe her no matter what she said , and helping her was his priority....

Faded Memories , Reincarnated Into My Hero Academia (Bakugo x female reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz