Chapter 20 ~ think twice

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3rd person's pov

After Bakugo returned back to the dorms he gave Y/N some painkillers and went back to his dorm to get some rest

Later at night Y/N received a call
"hey" Y/N greeted
"Hey! Y/N are you free right now?" The voice questioned

"Nawh i am expensive" Y/N answered

"You have promised to hangout with me sometime later, besides i want to tell you some valuable information" the voice said

"Okay you win... where are you?" Y/N questioned

"Hold on i am at an internet cafe i will send you my location"

"Yeah sure see ya" Y/N said

"Cya" the voice said and ended the call .

You wore your black oversized hoodie wore your snickers "i am all ready to go" you closed your dorm door , you knocked on Katsuki's door and slowly opened the dorm door but he was in deep sleep so you left him a note saying you had to go out for a bit

"Hey Y/N where are you going?" Denki asked "why ,  want me to get you something?" You answered his question with another question

"Yeah can you bring us dounts on your way back?" Said denki " I want an iced coffee please" said Uraraka "i want tacos" said sero "Tacos?" Kirishima questioned

"You guys know i can just get you what you want this second ? Nevermind just list all what you want in a paper and imma wish for it" Y/N said

The class listed all the snacks, meals and deserts they want and gave the paper to you. You were surprised by the amount of food Denki asked for

You wished and they all watched the white ray of light coming out of your hands as you move your hands around you finish making your wish come true

"Here you go enjoy if you are watching a movie record it for me !" Y/N said
"Sure thanks for the food Y/N"
"No probs gotta go!"

A few minutes later

Y/N has arrived at the location that was sent to her by the voice's owner
When Y/N arrived they waved for her at where they were sitting "okay so why did you bring me here?" You questioned as you were sitting down on the chair "congrats on getting a boyfriend" "yeah thanks"

"So what would you like to order?"
"Gaido stop beating around the fucking bush and tell me how did he also reincarnate i know you have something to do with this"

"Woah woah Y/N you seen really angry you need to chill" you sighed as Gaido began to talk again


" You mean he didn't reincarnate then what was that who is that guy that appeared?"
"That is a question i myself can't answer "

After the talk with Gaido you excused yourself and went to practice in the woods "i have to figure out something, i need to think twice the whole storyline changed now that i am in it "  you said while punching and kicking practicing Martial arts

"Then if what gaido says is true then he didn't reincarnate but someone-" while trying to finish you scentence you felt someone trying to sneak up on you

You did what you normally do so they don't suspect a thing that's when they tried to put their hands on your mouth

You grabbed their hand and pulled them by force to hit the ground you looked at who they were "----!!!"
"Surprise" he said 'if ----'s here then he is not alone they are not as stupid as someone i used to know' you thought to yourself "why didn't you use your quirk?" You asked

But then you felt a hard thing that hit your head soon you blacked out "because i know you will dodge it, seem strong , you know for a girl"

It's 2 am and you still haven't returned to your dorm and there is a bunch of people worried a about you "she hasn't came back yet" Izuku said
"She didn't tell us where she was going" said Kirishima "She kept dodging the question thanks to Denki
Who was asking for food " said Jiro

"It's not my fault i was hungry"
"do you think we should tell bakubro" "i don't think that's a good idea besides what will he do he will only freak out like us"
"THAT'S IT Kacchan might know where she is"
" how is that deku kun?"

" Think about it i am sure, after what happened with Y/N today, she wouldn't leave without sending her location or who she is with and since we all don't know then she may have told Kacchan something" Izuku said

"Good thinking Midorya let's go to bakugo's dorm"
"but there is one thing left we didn't think of"
"and what is that Kaminari - kun?"
"Who is going to tell him that Y/N is missing?" "Let's draw straws" " i still think it's better to tell the teacher" "fine call Aizawa sensei Lida while we decide who will tell bakugo" "then it's settled"

With Y/N

'i can't use my quirk for the rest of the night and i don't even think i will be able to use it but i still have transformation up my sleeve i just want them to let their guard down i shouldn't just wait for anyone to come save me' you thought to yourself as you were thinking of a way to get out

"We finally meet, greetings Y/N"
"Hah! Nice i like the decorations for welcoming me but i think it misses something" you said with a disgusted look on your face
"And what is that Y/N?" You signaled them to get closer

They came face to face with you but your hands and legs were all in cuffs
" Your dead corpse " you said as you spitted on their face

"TELL ME WHY DO WE HAVE TO USE THIS ARROGANT BITCH , AGAIN" they said shouting at their boss

"Oh she is quite handful i see but watch as we make you destroy your so called friends  how about we talk this through" their boss came closer to you as they looked down on you

"Oh! I think i am surrounded by a whole bunch of idiots look here big guy i have no intention of killing my friends , i think we will never agree on anything so how about you tell me why you kidnapped me first?" You said trying to use your brain alittle

"well as you see you are not using your quirk right , i have known your mother before your birth we were as you can see we knew each other she tried to kill me once can you believe that your mother was quite known for her skills she needn't use her quirk most of the times i guess you take after her in her looks you look kinda the same-"

"shut up.." "what did i hit a nerve?" "SHUT THE FUCK DON'T TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER" You shouted at them 'that just now wasn't me those words weren't mine is that Y/N! But how? Ugh! I forgot to heal my leg the wound it reopened! I can't use my quirk ' you thought to yourself "as you wish i may not speak about your mother anymore..." Their boss said as someone whispered something in their ears

"oh your friends are up to something how about we call them and tell them everything is fine?" "And why should i do this?" You said trying to stay calm and think rationally "you mean you won't?" "I mean i don't have too" "very well, ---- go prey on those kids you can have fun just don't leave them alive "
"of cour-"
" i will do it"

Faded Memories , Reincarnated Into My Hero Academia (Bakugo x female reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang