chapter 6 ~ I am telling you

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Y/N's pov

"We have alot to catch on"
"Gaidooooooo" i shouted
"Why do you keep shouting..... ugh my ears " Gaido said annoyed then smiled "glad to see you tho.." Gaido said with a smirk on his face that made me happy

"yea and i know" i said happily "don't worry you will be living together soon"the other Y/N said "Wait what?" I said confused

"Gaido or that's how you named him will live with you " the other Y/N said "how and why?" I asked "ah he is going to go to your house and say he is one of your cousins-" i interrupted her and said"I know all of that but how is he turning into a real person" i asked while the both of them laugh

"honey gaido has always been a real guy he just uses telepathy to communicate with he is living in the united states and will be coming to japan to meet you and live with you so you don't get in trouble" Y/N says

while still laughing i just stood there confused and thinking my whole life was a lie "and btw don't go home until Gaido comes from the states" Y/N demanded "why?" I asked "so he can protect you from him Y/N we have similar pasts and you and me have suffered the same thing our dads weren't the best so it's better not to come near them till Gaido comes" the other Y/N said

"yea i understand" i say " Oh and you can tell Izuku about you being his sister and use my real name Y/N Midorya" the other Y/N said

"i was thinking about telling him but tell me how did we meet are you still alive" i asked "yes i am heathly and safe unfortunately we exchanged bodies i hope you can be happy living in this place smash them all and become the greatest hero MHA has ever seen" she said encouraging me and i was happy with her encouragement

"yea gonna happen" i said happily "enough emotions time for each one of you to return to their new world to adapt to it " Gaido inturpted "bye Y/N i hope we can meet soon" the other Y/N said "likewise" i said

As i woke from my sleep i felt something was sleeping on my hand while sitting down on a chair i carefully look down to see my little kitten sleepy as hell i ruffle his hair and he growns softly "come on kittens wake up we need to return home "
"Wat dw yw mean" Katsuki said sleepy (what do you mean?) I chuckle softly "Bakugo we are at the nurse office come on"

Bakugo's pov

"Bakugo we are at the nurse office come on" i heard dumbass says as i wake up my sleepy head
"I still need to look up for an apartment to stay in for a while" dumbass says sighing
"Why would you fucking do that? " i ask her rubbing my eyes to clearly wake up

"I can't go home for a while....." She says
"You can stay at my place the old hag will welcome you" bakugo said
"I can't where will i sleep and-" i inturpte her

"Come on dumbass we don't have time if we are late the old hag will nag me about it" i turned around look at her she was beaming and shining god is that a tear

"Yes i am coming" she said
"Stop crying about everything dumbass"i say
That's when i turned back then i felt a warm embrace hug me from behind a beautiful scent dumbass was hugging me "Thank you Katsuki" i blushed as i heard her say my first name like that "whatever come on dumbass let's go we are gonna be late "

"Yes" is all that she answers and i smile softly when i turn my back

(Alittle time later cuz i lazy )
Still bakugo's pov

I see the dumbass hesitating to ring the bell

"Jesus why the fuck are you hesitating" i say as i ring the fucking bell "coming" i hear the old hag saying as dumbass standing hesitated and hid behind me i look at her with the look that means stand the fuck up in front of me so the old hag could see you as i also shoot her a glare she shook her head no and kept hiding behind me till the old hag came

"pffffft hahahaha" i look behind me to see dumbass laughing at me then the old hag started laughing too and i was just standing there dumbfounded by both of them

"hello i am Mitsuki bakugo you can call me aunt Mitsuki since bakugo brought you here and he hasn't brought someone in ages i was surprised" the old hag said

"hello i am Y/N.... just Y/N nice to meet you auntie" dumbass said
"awwww i like her already Katsuki how could you know such a sunshine" the old hag said
"I know right?" I say teasing and they all seemed to take it seriously "omg Katsuki honey are you okay are , you sick" the old hag said "whatever let's just go inside" i hear the old hag and dumbass laughing in the back

"When was the last time you ate sweetie?" The old hag asked "Ah since dinner yesterday" dumbass says normally as if it is nothing "SO THAT IS THE FUCKING REASON YOU COUGHED BLOOD" i shouted at her

"KATSUKI BAKUGO DON'T SHOUT AT HER FACE,  secondly sweetie i will cook you something to eat" the old hag said "don't worry you don't have to cook me anything i am not hungry anyways" dumbass says smiling

"sweetie you haven't ate anything for a long while i will cook and you have to eat okay katsuki lend her a hoodie from yours" the old hag demanded "tsk, i was going to do that anyway " i said "and come meet me while she changes there something we have to talk about" the old hag ordered

"whatever" i said "come on dumbass let's get you something to wear" i give dumbass my black hoodie and my shorts she looked so small i snorted when she came out wearing them and she glared at me , my clothes were huge on her she looked kinda cute tho.....

Ah right the old hag i am gonna see what she wants.... i tell dumbass to stay still and wait for me and she nods "what did you want me for?" I asked
"Katsuki will she be staying with us please say yes she is so sweet unlike someone"she said

"What is that supposed to mean.....i don't know if she will be staying for long she can't go home i think it's because of her parents or something so i brought her here so she doesn't rent an apartment on her own and she doesn't know how to take care for herself " i said explaining the situation

"Ah i see.... you like her" the old hag said "Fuck no i don't....." "Yea sure i am your mother i know you more than anyone on earth when you decide to admit it to yourself tell me " the old hag said "shut up..."

Here is some spice added to the story hope you enjoyed this chapter see you next chapter

Faded Memories , Reincarnated Into My Hero Academia (Bakugo x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now