68. Let's Take Advantage Of That 1%!

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Hey guys! I hope you all still remember me! I didn't know how much I missed writing this story until now! I hope you can all forgive me for making you wait for so long! I love you all always, and I promise to finish it this time!

Okay, here's a little recap for all those who have forgotten where this story was left at:

* Cath's mom is missing
* Sam and Michael meet Nathan at the club
* Brian talks to Ruby pretending to be Mr S
* Daniel eavesdrops Mary talking to someone

This chapter continues from that moment.


Daniel's POV:

I froze. Time stopped as I repeated the same words in my mind again. I messed up with the books. It was her! It was the sweet Mary that Cath trusted so much! I remembered Cath's broken face from a few minutes ago. She wouldn't be able to bear it to know this now.

A bang disrupted my thoughts and that's when I realised that I had already knocked on the door without intending to. Shit! Silence ensued around me, and I stood still hoping that she hadn't heard it.

A few seconds later I could hear the rumble of the doorknob. I guess she heard it after all. The door swung open and Mary looked more worried than surprised when she saw me. "Daniel? Is there something that you need?"

My mind went blank before I remembered why I came here in the first place. "Uh, Cath wanted water, but the kitchen was locked."

"Oh!" Her eyes widened before she ran inside the house. "Sorry, I'll bring the keys right now."

I peeked inside through the same gap between the door and the wall. It looked like any ordinary house from the little things I could see. It looked nothing like the house of a kidnapper. Nevertheless, it wasn't as if any kidnapper would have it written on the wall somewhere.

"Shall we leave sir?" Mary walked out and closed the door behind her. I couldn't move my eyes away from her face no matter how much I tried. She felt uncomfortable and looked down. "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing." I still couldn't look away. "Just don't call me sir. Let's go." I walked away with the same thought in mind. How could that face do something like this?


I watched in silence as she pretended to be worried; worried about Cath; worried about her mom going missing, and worried about not being able to do anything at the moment. Her acting was too real that even I wanted to believe that what I witnessed before was a lie.

"Do you want something to eat?" She asked in a soft tone to Cath. "You haven't eaten anything from when you came back. I don't want you to fall sick."

So that's how she got away with it!

"You look like you are really worried." Everybody looked at me in surprise. Mary blinked a couple of times before she cleared her throat.

"Of course I do. Seeing her in this state troubles me so much." Cue the sad face.

I chuckled. "Of course you do. You've been with her ever since she was a child. You've been living here for so long. You know everything that has happened in this family, and where everything is. You practically own the house but don't seem too important to question. Of you care about her, why didn't I think of it before!"

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