Chapter 6

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When Zach woke up the next morning, he felt the bed to make sure it was not wet. He found it dry and then remembered that he was wearing his "protection." Slowly, he reached his hand down under his pajama pants and felt the outside of his pull-up. He felt it was dry and breathed a deep sigh of relief. One night down, 6 more to go.

Zach excitedly told Kylie he was dry and Kylie said "That's great, honey. A shame to waist a good pull-up though," when she saw he was taking it off. Zach thought it was strange, almost as if she wanted him to wet it, but chalked it up to her frugal spending habits.

Zach continued his routine of dressing in his pull-ups and pajamas and presenting himself to Kylie for tweaking every night. Zach felt more and more proud of himself as each day he was able to claim he was dry to Kylie who supported her roommate but remarked every now and then about "what a shame to waste" his boyish undergarments.

This week happened to be the week before Christmas, and as such, Zach was extremely busy at work. Many of his coworkers had taken time off so they were short staffed and he was called upon to due much more than he normally did. Zach was incredibly stressed. He did find it strange that during all the stress, he felt better knowing that he did not have to worry about having any accidents while wearing his night gear and that it was one less thing to worry about amidst all the chaos of work.

When Friday rolled around, Zach was more than ready to unwind. Some friends came over to enjoy a holiday secret santa party. This also happened to be night 7, the night that could release Zach from his plastic prison if he stayed dry like he had all week. Zach resolved not to drink since that seemed to be the cause of his night time accidents and decided to just enjoy the party.

He was having a good time when his friend suggested he have a glass of the special egg nog he brought. Zach loved egg nog and poured a big glass. He was almost done with it when he was asked by his friend if he enjoyed the spiked egg nog he brought. Zach got nervous and asked "What do you mean, spiked?" His friend replied "Oh I spiked it with some alcohol like my family always does. I thought you knew that's what was special about it." Zach tried to play it off cool like he knew what he was doing but inside he was feeling very nervous. He resolved that he would just be vigilant about going to the bathroom before bed.

The party ended and Kylie and Zach began cleaning up. Zach was very tired from his long week and after cleaning for a bit, Kylie told him to get ready for bed after a big yawn from him. He plodded to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. Zach began changing into his pull-up and remembered to pee before bed. He figured he would go after he changed. After he put on what he hoped would be his last pull-up, he suddenly heard a shriek from the other room.

In just his pull-up, he ran out to the kitchen to see what was wrong. Kylie was standing on a chair with a broom looking very scared. She told him she thought she saw a mouse and Zach started looking all over. He couldn't find a mouse but did find a small, crumpled paper bag that Kylie said she must've mistaken for a mouse. "Maybe I had too much egg nog," she explained. "Let's get you changed mister potty pants," she said to Zach. He remembered his attire and looked down sheepishly at his uncovered pull-up.

She led him back to the bed and lovingly put on his pajamas for him. He did not put up a fight but did not seem happy about having her take charge. She readjusted his pull-up and got him all snug in bed. He loved the security the pull-up provided as he recalled a busy and terrible week. He completely forgot to use the bathroom before he fell asleep, softly snoring the night away.

In the morning, Zach awoke feeling incredibly well rested and refreshed from the trials of his job. Kylie rolled over and kissed his cheek. Then she said "let's check to see if my handsome boy made it 7 nights in a row." Zach forgot what she was even talking about when he felt her hand slide under his pants towards his pull-up. He thought back to last night and remembered the mouse incident and how he hadn't gone to the bathroom and internally winced at his mistake. He couldn't feel much as he was still waking up, but got excited at the thought of being able to ditch his childish underwear.

"Oh my," Kylie said as she felt his pull-up. "What?" Zach exclaimed, worried. "Well, it seems we have to start the counter over again my love," she said as she looked up at him. Zach reached down and squeezed, feeling the fullness Kylie felt. He was dismayed. How could this happen to him? He was a bedwetter who wet his pull-up like a little boy. And now he was going be stuck in pull-ups for the foreseeable future.

"On the bright side we finally put these to good use and the bed is fine!" Kylie said attempting to reassure him. It did make Zach feel a little better that Kylie was not affected by it and she even seemed happy that he used the garment for its intended purpose. Then, he shuddered. He would likely be padded for Christmas.

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