Chapter six: How do cookies work again

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Honestly, Choco felt utterly hopeless. Not a single cookie had responded to his babysitting ad yet, and he felt like he was dragging this on longer than he should in the hopes to prove himself to essentially no one. It had been nearly a week at this point and he was getting antsy.

He was flipping through the newspaper trying to find some job ads he wouldn't mind taking up as he drank his daily dark coffee at the dining room table, alone. The dishwasher ad was still there, janitor add for someplace he had never heard of, they were still trying to find more adventures to fill in that team slot, some stuff for a toy store- maybe he could just become a miner? His mind wanders, too tired to care.

Suddenly his phone started to buzz in his pocket, a phone call coming in. He fumbles for a moment in a panic to answer the damn thing.

"Hello? This is Dark Cho-"

"Cut da formalities mate. Are ye the babysitter ad in da local paper?"

He stopped, a little confused. For one, the speaker had a heavy accent he had never heard, and he had a cookie interested in his service! Finally!

"Yes, that's me. How can I help you?" He asked, vibrating in place from anticipation. Who is this cookie? Will he be their choice to watch their kids?

"I gots two Cookies who are essentially kids. 'Day need hands-on at all times and can't be alone fer two damn seconds in dis place. I gotta do some business and can't 'ave em with me. I need ya to watch em tomorrow fer a few hours by da docks. No other cookie will take da damn job."

The sudden and harsh nature was odd on top of the stranger's wording, but he started writing stuff down. Two kids, they live by the docks, possibly travelling. "Could we meet up today so I can meet the children and we can smooth out the details? I also have two kids of my own I will need to pick up and drop off at school."

There was grumbling on the other end of the phone and audible movement. "Yeah, yeah sure. Ain't gunna stap ya. How 'bout ya come out to da docks now if yer free? I'll meet ya at the food booth thingy at the top."

"Alright, I'll be about twenty minutes, but I'll be there." Choco scribbles out the rest of his quick notes and folds the paper up and slid it into his pocket. Anxiety coursed through his dough, making him stumble over his own feet as he stood. He hung up the phone, going to quickly make himself presentable. He changed into a sweater and baggy jeans, along with some earmuffs and a scarf to protect from the cold breeze.

Choco hurried down he stairs, passing their display of weapons on the wall with a huff. He quietly slipped his shoes on and made his way out to the docks, wind bowing on his face.


Its been nearly a week since he proposed the idea of a band to his friends, and his friends seemed to like the idea. At least, Cherry and Pancake did. Gumball seemed... kinda upset about it. Honestly he thought that Bubblegum would've been more excited about the possibility of getting on stage, but the colourful cookie seemed to just deflate like a sad balloon. He had never seen him look so defeated in his life as he agreed to be their drummer. Cherry was a singer and bass guitarist, Pancake wanted to play the keyboared and Licorice as the lead guitarist. At least, that's the plan anyway but... he was worried about his friend. He just wouldn't talk to them about how he was feeling. So, he made a plan.

It went a little like this:

Licorice would go up to Gumball as they went into class and ask him if he wants to skip out and go to the market that day instead, just the two of them. Insist its a good idea. If he says no, ask to hang out after school at his own place so Licorice can control the environment better, and Shroomie could be his backup. If He says yes to skipping, head to the general area of the market, get some food, look around. Maybe get some jewelry from the cheap thrift Gumball likes. Then, once he is comfortable, BAM! Hit em with the "Are you okay?" and then he will get an answer!

But Gumball wasn't at school today. Hell, Licorice came early just to make sure he wouldn't miss him, but he never showed up.

He waited till recess and goes to talk with Cherry and Pancake. When he asked if they had seen Bubble at all, neither had seen him and worse, no texts all day. Of course, Licorice worried this was his fault for Gumball skipping out and ghosting them. I mean, why wouldn't he? His best friend was missing after being clearly upset for the past few days, and he was the cause. Therefore, his fault.

He needs to fix this. So he made a new plan. Licorice knew where Gumball lived and was gonna confront him, and bring him a get well gift incase he is just sick and he was overreacting (wouldn't be the first time).

He just had to wait.


Choco hadn't ever lived so close to normal water, let alone the sailable ocean. The thought that a luiqid that he drank out of his tap everyday could kill him in large amounts was a little nerve wreaking, even as a young boy. He didn't even know that their kingdom had a dock until Licorice mentioned it in passing over dinner a few weeks prior, and he said it was a beautiful place, the beach nice and relaxing and the docs usually quiet.

This was not quiet. Not in the slightest. Just from where he stood, the Cookie could hear the loud sounds of workers loading the ships in the harbor and the laughter of sailors from afar. The ships came in all shapes and sizes, some dingy row boats, and others grand and intercite, like the one he just couldn't take his eyes off of. The big thing could hold possibly a team of over 50 Sailors, its hull big and sturdy. The sides were covered in barnicles and intricate carvings like what you would find on a cave wall, displaying what he assumed were victories of those who sail it. The masts were just as grand made of strong white fabrics and a crow's nest sitting proudly at the highest point, just under the thing that truly made the ship magical to him...

The foreboding flag flew with pride, skull and cross bones over a black background, torn and mangled from age. It fluttered in the cold sea breeze above all cookies, a warning and a promise of trouble.

Pirates were on their shore. He had never seen them before, and he honestly thought all those tales of plundering his father would tell him was in the long forgotten past, but the glitter of gold from the open crates scattered about told him a very different story.

"She a beauty, ain't she? Been sailin' 20 years strong! Not even da biggest sea monster could take 'er under!"

The familiar voice came from just beside Choco, making the poor guy jump slightly before he turns to who he assmes is his client. He honestly wished he didn't turn because his mind might as well be mush from taking in the fact that yes, his client appears to be a pirate from that very ship.

He was an older man, though not much older then himself at this point. The cookie wore a large funky hat with a big letter X on it in bold red that covers most of his head, but despite that long, curly brown hair escaped his hat, framing his face with the scraggly mangled stuff. The swindler adjusted his ruffled neckerchif, a playful smirk upon his face, then lifts a hooked hand to curl his scraggly long moustache that was styled into points. He extended his hand to him, striegtenig up. "Names Pirate Cookie. Ya must be Dark Choco, yeah? A pleasure." Choco just nods along, shaking the strange cookie's hand.

This is gonna be a long day...

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