Chapter Three - "I hate it here."

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Licorice sat alone in the back of the classroom, tired. The ceiling lights buzz and flicker as his classmates scribble notes about the lecture. Mostly school rules and stuff about what they will be learning this month. He couldn't care less. He had already zoned out, fidgeting with his pencil and bouncing his leg.

It's raining. I thought it was supposed to rain tomorrow, not now. I should write a spell to make an umbrella. He yawns a little, watching the teacher finish the presentation. It was boring anyways, why did it matter? Because it's school. You're supposed to listen, not speak.

Professor Esspresso turns to the class, adjusting his full-moon glasses and squaring his shoulders like some sort of prick. "Alright," he announces, "Lunch isn't for a few hours, but beyond that, I hadn't planned much else for this lesson. sense I'm aware we have some newer students, I think some introductions are in order. Feel free to mingle for the remaining 30 minutes of our period, but no yelling."

Immediately the energy in the room changed, people turning around in their seats and chatting, or getting up and walking over to their friends. Licorice remains alone, just watching as others talk and laugh. He doesn't need friends anyway, he's a badass!

At least that's where his train of thought was going until one kid walked up to him.

His hair was a mess, and his hands were stained various colours. His yellow eyes locked with his own and he smiled at him. "Hey! You must be the new kid, right? I'm Gumball." He pulls over a chair, turning it backwards and leaning on the top of it as he sat. "What's your name?"


His eyes lit up, realizing who he is. "Holy shit!" He scootched closer, the chair squeaking across the floor. "You used to be like, evil or something, right?"

"And? What, your gonna cuss me out for it?" He spat, hunching over his phone once more.

"No, I wanted to know if you'll help me prank the teacher."


"Prank... him? Why?? Aren't you a goody-two-shoes?" Licorice takes another glance towards the unsuspecting teacher, who was writing notes down. Likely something dumb. Gumball was practically vibrating in excitement beside him. "Yeah! I brought some paintballs and stuff. Me and my friends were gonna prank the whole high school staff this year on the first day. You in?"

Licorice felt like he had two options:
One, he could say no and continue to suffer for the greater good of everyone's sanity.
Or two, he could accept this guy's proposal, possibly becoming popular and get some petty revenge on the headmaster for insulting him and his sibling.

Obviously, one is the choice with the most predictable outcome. But he doesn't give a flying fuck about that.

"Sure. Whatcha got??"

And the chaos began.


Recess and learning time were new concepts for Shroomie. They didn't really understand why they can't just go to sleep at the table when they were tired- they barely slept last night, and Pomegranate would let them nap at meetings, within retrospect was the only thing they can compare to the behemoth that is school.

Frankly, Shroomie hates this.

It's so quiet, but not in the way nature is. There's an electric buzz in the background as his mentor continues on with basic math instead of the sound of rustling leaves and birds.Class is boring and he doesn't really understand much. When they tried to go to the water fountain, they were told off and got in trouble.

But the worst thing about this they think is that everyone knows something they don't. The teachers stare at them from across the room talking in hushed whispers as the others scribble out their work on the papers in front of them. Their classmates weren't much better but at least they didn't speak their master's name with such horror.  When the teachers look at them, it's with pity or disgust. It breaks them a little every time.

Master used to look at them like that.

...not anymore. She knew they were capable.

Not the other cookies though. They look on in distaste like they're a disease. their strangeness is like poison ivy. If you get too close, it itches and burns them.

Shroomie hopes that their brother was doing better than him.


Lunch was similar to his first class. The chatting and laugher filled the halls as he walked, keeping to himself. He hasn't seen Gumball sense first period, and boredom has been killing him since then. Their joke had been amazing! It just...

Was it worth it? After all, now he had cookies he could disappoint, ties he has made to others that might pull him down again, or worse, make fun of him.


"Hey! Licorice! I saved you a spot with me and my friends outside, if you wanna come," Bumball says, wrapping an arm over his shoulder. He had a bright smile, pink fluffy hair getting in his face and blocking his eyes from view. Licorice backs up a little, chuckling lightly. "S-sure. Sorry, was lost in my thoughts. Where to mister boss man?"

Gumball smiled brightly. "The field! We always sit under this one tree till it starts snowing outside, and it's great!" Licorice just nodded along, zoning out again as they walked outside. The leaves had yet to turn, leaving a summery feeling in the air despite the cold breeze ruffling his hair and tugging down his hood.

A thick oak tree stood tall, its mighty branches casting a great shadow down on the grass below. He notes paint splatter was visible on its bark, though faded from time. Two other kids Licorice's age waves at them, Gumball grabbing his wrist and pulling his over to them. The shortest, a girl with pigtails that distantly reminded him of red riding hood continues eating her packed lunch. The other kid in a brown onesie of some kind was avidly watching their approach with a smirk rivalling his own.

Gumball turned to him and smiled impossibly brighter, laughing a bit. "Welcome to the tricksters' gang Licorice!"

Maybe having friends won't be so bad this time.


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