Chapter One - Would you like eggs or bacon?

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In the early morning as the sun rose Choco stood in the kitchen, the sizzling of the pan drowning out his thoughts. The quiet droning of the radio in the background fills his mind with static. Slowly he moves the eggs around in the pan, mind elsewhere. The grey tones, the weight of a sword in his hand. This is where his mind had gone. Where it always goes.

You are worthless, irredeemable. Why try? Those children can't stop-

The pitter-patter of small footsteps made the elder jump and look up towards the intruder, breaking out of his thoughts. Shroomie stood in the door, an old stuffed mushroom toy in their arms. They shuffle inside and hug Choco's leg, smiling happily. "Good morning Choco!" They grin up at him as he sighed, shoulders drooping a bit. "Hey, Shroom. Go take a seat, okay? Food will be ready soon." The small cookie nods and hurried off to take their seat, nearly tripping on his too-big pJ's. 

After nearly ten minutes Choco pulled out the bacon and finished the toast. He quickly set out the food and then with a sigh went up the stairs to get licorice out of bed. With muted steps, he climbs the stairs to the teen's bedroom where he can hear shuffling from inside.

"Licorice, come on. We have a meeting with the school today and we can't be late," Choco says, jiggling the locked doorknob. he hears a groan from inside, some more shuffling and then the door opens. Licorice stood in the doorway, leaning into the frame as he peeks out. His pyjamas are ratty and well worn, the faded words on his shirt reading "bite me." Choco sighed and stepped back, letting him come through. "Why do I need to go to school anyway? I'm independent," the teen spits, shuffling over to the bathroom. "Breakfast is downstairs, and because Almond said so. Unless you wanna go in the system or fend for yourself, I suggest we listen to him." Choco leaves the grumpy Licorice to his devices, going to check on Shroomie.

Licorice stands in front of the mirror, hands on either side of the sink. He felt nauseous, and couldn't pinpoint why. Maybe he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? That had to be it. So, he brushed his teeth and gets dressed after fixing his hair. Then, he puts on his eyeliner and sprays his hair to help keep its volume. He smiled a little and heads down the stairs all dressed up.


Shroomie knew this was a bad idea. Shroomie always knows. At least they do most of the time. So when the strange woman meets Choco with a half-hidden glare, they look at their older brother to see if he noticed. Of course, he did and was glaring right back. They all sit around a table, hot chocolate brewing and filling the air with its smell. This was their "headmaster," choco had called her. Shroomie doesn't think that someone so rude shouldn't be the head of anything, but they didn't have much say in the matter.

Latte smiled at them coldly. "So, Dark Choco Cookie, these are your... kids?" The warrior nods, eye closing a little. "Yes. This is Shroomie and Licorice. Shroomie will need more accommodation than Licorice because he hasn't been in school before, so we should get that dealt with as soon as we can please." The lady nods, joining them at the table. She brushes her hair away from her face in a graceful way, eyeing Shroomie oddly.

"I suggest we do an IQ test on both as well as a reading test for your youngest. He doesn't seem like the brightest of the bunch, but I'm sure we can get the little one up to speed. According to what Almond sent me, Licorice is still caught up to his grade level? Is this correct?" The obvious skepticism rubbed Licorice the wrong way, angry that she doesn't think he's well educated. he quietly grips the table, eyes averted as they continued their conversation. 

Shroomie was nervous as he watched the conversation. It felt like it was about to blow up into a fight. The tension was undeniable as Latte and Choco calmly insult each other in the most polite ways possible. Latte even had the gull to insult Licorice again as well. 

After what felt like hours, it was over. Choco had grit his teeth and gotten a date for tests to be done, and gotten the date for Licorice's first day of school. Latte smiled, putting away her notes. "I'll see you three for the tests, yes?" Licorice groans quietly, nodding along with the other two. Quickly they leave the office and make their way out of the building. 


Choco sighs as they stand at the bus stop, legs tired. His legs ached from power walking all the way there from the school. God, that bitch had the AUDACITY- 

Licorice pants, catching his breath as the sky grows dark. Shroomie was curled up in his arms, yawning. "Choco, why on earthbread must you walk so fucking fast??" he lets out a breathless laugh, sitting on the curb. Choco chuckled, joining the teen on the curb. "I just got a little heated was all. I hope with time she will be more tolerable." 

They sit in silence as Shroomie fell asleep in Licorice's arms as rain started to spit out of the sky. "Just our luck, huh old man?" 

Choco chuckled. "Don't call me old bud. I'm 28, not 40." Licorice cackles, his sibling stirring as it began to pour. 

And they laugh. 

Today was a good day. At least, Shroomie thinks so.


   Hey guys, I'm sorry about that. There was a glitch and like, 40% of the damn chapter VANISHED when I published it. The next chapter shouldn't have this issue. 

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