Scary Night

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"You are really enjoying this, aren't you?"

His grip on me tighten as he pinned me against the door.
"Laughing, eating together, partying and eye talks; you are getting along with your boss pretty well" Kevin spoke while his eyes were as dark as night.

I tried to loosen his grip on me but failed.

"You were really quick in making friends with him while on the other side you are giving hard times to", he leaned forward.

" Well he isn't the one keeping me without my permission, forcing marriages on me and in short making my life MISERABLE " I shouted at him trying to breathe some air.

He stepped back, "I'm not doing anything against your will, you signed the agreement and decided to be in this marriage"

I can't control my anger at the way he was trying to make it all look like destiny or something.

"If you haven't created the situation I would have never even looked in your way" I chuckled. "Just because I hurt your ego by slapping you it made you so furious that you decided to ruin my whole life. Fuck you and your ego"

With spatting out the whole thing I turned to leave the place but stopped.

"Didn't I tell you to keep that pretty little mouth of yours in control Mrs Evans"

"I told you too it works that way only Mr Evans "

I didn't spare a single glance at him and moved forward but before I could reach the doorknob he pulled me closer to him, and spoke,
"Why are you playing with my patience?"

I can see the frustration in his eyes.

"Don't get too close to him. I am monitoring every single step of yours" he said in a rather hushed voice.

"He treats me well. He appreciates me and really wanna know me rather than making me his prisoner so I will talk to him or anyone I want and you can't do anything about it" I stated firmly.

He tightens his grip and pulled me closer to him filling all the gaps between us.

"You still doubt what I can do?"

His question made me think about everything. No, I don't I don't doubt that at all and it scared me but I would never show that to him. I would never give him that satisfaction. With that thought, I gathered up all my courage and spoke back

"Why is it affecting you that much? Are you afraid that I might willingly give everything to Andrew that you dream about"

He didn't say a word. I was trying to read him but he didn't show any reaction. After a while, he finally broke the silence with his evil and annoying laugh.

"You really thought I cared who you fuck" he continued laughing. "I just want to ruin you and Andrew is providing you happiness and I can't let that happen. The only thing you will remember from now on is sorrow and pain. There would be no space for laughter and happiness in your life"

My eyes became teary. How can anyone be this cruel? I denied crying and pushed him back with all my strength and ran away from that place.
I suddenly bumped into someone.

"Sorry," I said without looking up.

"It's okay Isabella. Are you alright" Andrew asked me concerned.

I tried wiping my tears before looking up but I guess he saw them already.

"You were crying? What happened?" He removed my hands to get a better look at my face.

"Uh no I think it's because of dust" I tried to cover up.

"Oh you know it's not. Whatever happened you can tell me about it, you are not alone"

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