Identities Revealed

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(Jocelyn's POV)

Percy and I were running around camp killing any monster 50 ft within the camp. We weren't actually doing that, but we just chatted with them and then we claimed that we got rid of them, but we were arming them with weapons to get ready for an attack in camp. We were going to make them sorry that they ever banished us. Also, Annabeth told us to too, and I quote, "Go kill any monster that comes near us. And while you're at it, get me some nail polish, powder, and some pads. I'm on my period."

Like, geez lady. We aren't your personal servants. Plus she didn't need to tell us that she was on her period. 

When we came back to camp, we decided to eat breakfast. It was still dark outside which was good. That meant we could take our masks off. Since we could see in the dark, we decided not to turn the lights on. 

"So, what should we do today, instead of letting Miss. I-am-better-than-everyone-so-do-as-I-say make our lives a living torture?" I asked. 

"Hmm, maybe we could..." Percy said, until we heard a noise. 

"WHO'S THERE?!" I yelled, as me and Percy pulled out our weapons. 

We heard a gasp, and the lights turned on. Shit, we're screwed. A person came out from the shadows and guess who it was. 

Yep, that blonde bimbo, Annabitch. 

"P-Percy? Jocelyn?" Annabitch said.

"Yeah, it's us." Percy growled.

"Oh, please, Percy. Can I be your girlfriend again? Jocelyn, we were friends, don't you want to be friends again?" Annabeth pleaded.

"Hmm, let me think, should I be friends with the person who cheated on another person and left my brother, someone who spread rumors about us, how about a big fucking no." I said.

A few seconds later, all the gods flashed in. 

Poseidon spoke first. "Percy? Jocelyn? Is that really you?"

"In the flesh... Poseidon." Percy said, as Poseidon had a flash of hurt on his face. Well, he deserved it. 


"Well, if they are, I want to fight them, one on one." Ares said.

"They don't deserve to be punished, Percy saved Olympus, twice! Jocelyn... well, she didn't do anything." Artemis and Apollo said.

"Yes, keep the girl, but get rid of the boy. The girl takes good care of the plants and always eats cereal. She is a much better daughter than Persephone, at least you're still a virgin." Demeter muttered. I blushed when she said that I was still a virgin. 

"SHUT UP! SHUT. UP." Percy screamed.

"We don't need your damn opinions on who to keep and who to not keep. We choose for ourselves. You don't want to get rid of us especially when there is an upcoming war, do you?" I asked. 

The gods and goddess grumbled. Of course they don't, they need us. Till we double cross them and they realize the pain that we felt. Karma is a bitch.

Aphrodite cleared her throat. "Jocelyn, can I talk to you?" she asked.

I looked at Percy and he nodded. We needed to gain their trust... for now.

"Sure." I said.

We walked over to a secluded spot and she teleported us in her house, or was it her lady cave? I don't know, it probably was her lady cave, because it was all pink with a bunch of pink couches and a fancy marble table in the center that was filled with donuts and cookies and a bunch of other treats. 

"Come, sit. Grab anything you want. It's time for girl talk."

I sat down and grabbed a donut. Mmm, it was chocolate, my favorite. 

"You know, it's not easy being a woman with a lot of power. It can be hard with a lot of men surrounding you especially with that type of beauty that you have. Shame you're still a virgin. I could hook you up with some hot boys. Like... George Shelley! He is SO hot! The best part is his hair, it's so fluffy and soft, that when you run your hands through them and-" Aphrodite said.

"Ok! That's enough girl talk, I'm out of here, bye." I said, cutting her off as I teleported back to Percy. 

"Hey! What happened, with the... girl talk?" Percy asked, smirking.

"Well, she talked about me being a virgin and all that stuff and how she would make my love life interesting. What happened with Annabitch?" I asked.

"She tried, to kiss me the entire freaking time. At least Poseidon was there. Annabeth was staring and I think she had some drool on her mouth. And you know, it was so hot inside that I took of my cloak and she stared at my biceps. She's such a pervert." Percy said, as he walked around. 

"Well, I can see her fainting when you wake up in the morning..." I said, reminding Percy that he slept with no shirt, and only pajama pants.

"Oh, gods no. Also, I was thinking about something..." Percy said. 

I hummed, "Oh yeah? What?" 

"I don't really want to attack Camp Half Blood anymore..." Percy said.

I thought of it and Camp Half Blood has been my home. Ever since I came here with Lucas and John, they turned there backs on me. I hate to admit it, but I miss Leo, I miss how everything was. When Annabeth was nice, and the seven were nice. A world where we were all together with both camps. A world where my own mother didn't abandon me and chose Percy. The only solution there was to get rid of one person who caused all this. 


This is not normal... (PJO fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ