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(Percy's POV)

I was walking down to Half-Blood Hill, when I saw a monster headed to Camp Half-Blood. I happily whistled along knowing that it would never make it in, thanks to Thalia's tree. But then it came closer and I realized that it was Beef-Boy. Siriusly?? I killed that thing at like 12 years old, so COME ON! I saw that a car was headed in the direction of Camp Half-Blood... and it had a kid that kind of looked like Reyna in a more younger version, thing is she has some sort of blue sword. Interesting, I can tell that it isn't Imperial Gold, or Celestial Bronze... so it must be some sort of new Hephaeustes weapon??

(Jocelyn's POV)

I saw a kid that was standing near a tree observing everything that was there, I think he spotted us. Uh oh... to make our luck worse there was a bull man-dude, that was about I don't know... 100000 ft tall?! I got out of the car, and he's got some triceps, biceps and a whole other ceps I don't know about. I immediately launched out and fought the bull man-dude off. Turns out, he has a bad eye and is slow. I used that as my advantage and sliced his head off. I grinned and said, "Come on guys! I have a feeling we should follow that guy up there! Hurry up!" I said.

"Jeez, ok lady, we're comin, we're comin." Lucas said.

We ran up the hill and I said, "'Sup kid. Umm where are we, and what's up with your sword?" 

"Umm, are you a demigod?" He asked.

"Brooo what is that?" John said.

"Well, demi means half and I'm gonna assume that we are half god?" I asked.

"Yup, come on in." The stranger said.

Once I stepped in I felt an instant cool breeze of air as my appearance changed into my real appearance. Ok, that doesn't make sense so let me tell you a short story...

(Flashback scene)

I was in my lab with some graphene, I mixed in a substance with another and boom! An explosion caused. Everyone around in my lab was killed. I was the only person who survived but there were some setbacks. I had gradient blue hair, half of my face would glow, and one of my eyes are blue, while the other was pitch black. The police wondered what happened while I grabbed the substance and successfully turned it into any weapon I can think of all with a flick of my hand.

(End of flashback)

"Woahh! You look different!" Lucas said.

"I agree, I've never seen you like this before..." John said.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Percy Jackson." The stranger said, well now it's Percy, but you get it...

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jocelyn, umm I'm adopted, I don't know my real last name, but I'll tell you my life story  without Frick and Frack." I said.

"Oh yeah? Who is who?" Percy asked.

"Well, Frick, dude on the left is Lucas, and Frack is John dude on the other side." I explained as they both flashed a peace sign.

"Well, you guys are pretty young, 12?" Percy asked.

"Yep, I'm 12, those two are 13." I said.

A blonde with glasses and a scar on his lip came to Percy and said, "Perce, there's a, WOAH! Who are these guys? THEY ARE TOO CUTE!!" 

"Hey!! We're not cute." All three of us said.

"They even talk at the same time!! Can I keep one?" Blonde asked.

"Oh *insert any bad word of your choice* no I'll show you cute!" I said.

I pulled out my sword and sliced his glasses in half before he could say anything. 

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