Is this a normal day?

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This is my first fanfic, so bear with me pls.

(Jocelyn's POV)

I was happily walking to theatre class with my friends to their classes. When we passed by the theatre class, I was so happy. Theatre is my favorite class ever!! I'm typically quiet in that class though. I sat in my usual spot across from John, a curly haired kid. Ya know what's strange? All the boys sit on one side, while the girls sit on the other... 

(Le time skip, cause your author is lazy)

I walked over to science class trying to stall and be late. When I heard the bell ring, I smiled to myself. Let's make a dramatic entrance! I ran and burst in to the class while Ms. Sretvlana was teaching. She really doesn't like me, and come on. Doesn't everyone like me?? 

"Jocelyn, you are late. Again. You better have a good excuse this time." She said, in her heavy Russian accent.

I gave her my crooked smile, "Of course Ms. Sretvlana, I have a library pass right here." 

She inspected it and raised an eyebrow, "Stay with me after school, you walk home, no?"

I gave a frustrated sigh, and sat in my seat. She continued to teach, but of course, Kason just had to bug me and ruin my mood even further. 

"Hey, you're in trouble!!" He sing-songed in his annoying voice.

"Ya think I don't know that??" I said.

"Jocelyn, be QUIET!" Ms. Sretvlana said.

Oh, and did I mention? Kason is Ms. Sretvlana's son, so she favors him. Kason kept poking my side, but I heard a rumbling noise. It wasn't a stomach grumble, it was like the building was going to collapse. Everyone ran to the window and screamed, "It's a giant pigeon!!"

But to me, it looked like a giant warship. My ADHD kicked in and suddenly, I ran out of the class. But before I could Ms. Sretvlana closed the door and said in a sickly, sweet voice, "Where do you think you're going sweetie?"

I gulped before answering, "Nowhere, I needed to go to the bathroom,"

She smiled down at me, evilly, "Oh, I'm afraid not darling, or should I say Daughter of Poseidon?"

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

Suddenly, when I turned around, all my classmates had been turned into ugly monsters. There were cyclopses, empousa, and was that a baby goat, cat hybrid?? There was a certian tug against me that I felt on my charm bracelet that when I pulled it off, it turned into a blue thing sword. My sudden reflexes kicked in, I dogged a strike that was about to hit me, and stabbed it. Dodge, stab. Dodge, stab. It went on and on like that until I was tired out.  The only person, actually monster in that room was Ms. Sretvlana and she hissed, "You may have defeated all my precious babies, but you will NEVER defeat ME!!" She lunged at me and grabbed me up, and made me look her in the eyes. But I never, I kicked her and stabbed her, when she became a golden pile of dust like the rest of them. I quickly ran out of the classroom and skid down the steps. A fellow classmate named Lucas, was it? And his friend... John? I think, I'm not popular, so I don't know a lot of people there. "Umm, quick question, why are you carrying a sword?" Lucas asked. 

"Broo, that is sick! Where did you get it?" John asked.

I turned around and saw more monsters headed this way. 

"No time to explain, follow me!!" I shouted as I pulled them by the arm and led them out. We reached the parking lot and I said, "Pick a car, any car." 

"Whaaa??" They both said.

"Hurry up and pick a car! Unless you want to be eaten by monsters!" I said.

"Ooooo, let's drive the principal's car! I've always wanted to do that." Lucas said.

"Fine, let's do this." I said, as I ran over there and hot-wired the car to life. 

"I'm driving, because I don't trust you people to drive." I said, as I got into the drivers seat.

I drove away and headed off to who knows where.

This is not normal... (PJO fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora