Chapter 6: Fixed

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Ola said with a weird language a healing spell that help Hiyori's wounds a little, she can walk now at least. "we need to reach to the meddle of this area" Heyori said, "we can stop all of this if we reached the meddle, my friend is trying to reach it too while we are here" Heyori said again.

Ola and Heyori walked along of the bad side, it was dark and gloomy, but they kept on walking until they reached the meddle of the bad side. They were now on the dark side, the dark side was just a plain plain plain plain, it was all black and there was nothing in sight, nothing was there, there was no life.

Ola and Heyori looked at each other, they both were feeling very tired, Ola wanted to just fall down and die, she was trying to think of a way to find the solution to end this misery, "You're here?" a sudden voice came from behind us, "Heko!" Heyori said surprised "You took so much time to get here, and your full of wounds, how can u even walk?" Heko looked up and down at Heyori "and this is?" She turned her head to look at Ola, "This is Ola! our...uhh..human twin.." Heyori answered. "oh" is what everything Heko said, "Shall we do the rituals now?" Heyori asked, "Rituals?" Ola said confused, Heko and Heyori grabbed Ola's hand, "just say the same thing we say, okay?" Heyori said, Ola just nodded "LASISAWOO SI-A-SEWOO ONA SETA MA EATA KHANAV SEI EA EA JAFISI" The three girls said the words, the darkness fade, the light slowly coming in, the light made Ola feel better.

"we have succeeded, the spell is now complete" Heko said "but now, there is one more spell we have to do, it is called the balance of the worlds, but it is very dangerous and difficult to do" Heyori said to Ola, Ola and Heyori looked at each other, they both had a blank expression on their faces. "but you have to do it" Heyori said to her, "if you don't, your death will be a long and painful one, and I will be lost, you will be alone." Heyori looked at Ola, "I will be lost too" Ola whispered.

Ola, Heyori and Heko sat down on the floor and started the ritual, the ritual was the spell that would bring the balance between the good and bad side of the world, Ola and Heyori did the spell, Ola had a vision, a weird one, a lot of pictures were flashing in her mind, but she felt a little better, she could breathe a little easier, and she felt like her heart is going to stop, but she can feel that she is still alive.

The three girls went back to where everyone was waiting for them, everyone was surprised to see Ola and Heyori, Ola and Heyori looked at each other, Ola said with a worried look on her face, "Heyori...I..." Heyori interrupted Ola "I am here, don't worry, everything is going to be okay."

Ola smiled, she was relieved that the two worlds is going to be fine now, everything will be fine now, the world is going to be good again.

"You're back!!" everyone said surprised to the two girls, "and who is that?" Tulip asked Ola and Heyori, "I'm Heko Korosawa, the Queen of the Endlands, I'm here just to help the world balance again, nothing more nothing less" Heko said emotionless, "don't mine her she's always like that, She's my and Ola's demon twin, she's as she told ya, a queen on the Endlands of hell" Heyori told Tulip.

"Ola!" a familiar voice called Ola, "MOTHER!!" Ola ran and hugged her mother, "wait, how are you here?" Ola asked confused "oh darling I always knew you were here" Mirai said "how?" "i knew, i saw the past, it was all scripted" Ola didn't ask anymore questions, "Heko, can you open the portal to us?" Mirai asked Heko, "Hay, don't forget about meee! don't leave me here Ola" Tulip shouted, Heko took out a portal and opened it, Tulip, Ola and her mother looked at the portal, it was dark, they had to go through it, Ola closed her eyes and entered the portal, she felt the cold breeze of the Endlands, she saw the scary and evil people, she saw the dead bodies of her parents, she saw a village that had been burned to ashes, she saw the evil look in her mother's eyes, she saw her father's lifeless body, "its all fake, don't trust your eyes, just follow me, We'll go to your world, although we need to pass from the Endlands" Heko said to Them, Ola was nervous but she followed Heko, she saw a river, "on the other side of the river, literally" Heko said and pushed the three inside the river.

"AAAAA" Ola shouted, "wait what!?" she looked around herself, she's in her room, her friend Tulip was next to her confused too, Mirai, Ola's mother was there too, and then "OLA!" Raylon was standing Infront of them, he ran and hugged Ola, "I'm so happy to see you, I thought I was going to be alone for eternity" Raylon said.

Ola hugged Raylon, she felt better now that she's back, she saw a bunch of other people who were happy to see her, Ola's friends, and family were all there. "I'm glad that you're alive, I missed you!" Ola's brother said, "me too" Ola smiled and hugged her brother back.


and they lived a happy ever after cuz im lazy again to right a cool ending weeeeeeeeeeee

i suck at this

W/C 944

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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