Chapter 2: Run

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3rd person POV

Behind the world knowledge, like shadow that always in the dark, a red haired boy was hiding behind the walls of the building, making sure nobody can see him, a robot called B-12 or "Raylon" as he call himself, everyone seems to think he's a mindless robot who only follow the coded lines. wrong, Ray has a free will just like any other human, although his skin was a mix between human skin and few robotic pieces,

He was looking at the new member who joined the mansion, "why do i feel like i met this person before?" He mumbled as he followed her to where she's going.

Raylon POV

I wanted to follow that girl but suddenly I heard my boss footsteps, shit... i need to act like a normal robot, "Oh, B-12 here you are, i was looking for you" i responded with a robotic voice "your orders sir" "go get me some coffee..., and put an eye on this new little freak" will that's exactly what i was doing thank you "yes sir"

I got that shitty ass boss some coffee and started to follow the new girl, will this time without sneaking, and i think she might notice me but who cares? I have an orders no one can blame me right?

Tulip POV

Okay there is definitely someone following me, but I'm scared to look back, ok Tulip you are brave you can do it, I believe in you,

I turned around to look at a red haired boy, a robot? " hello?" no response "may i know why are you following me?" Still no response, this is so weird and I'm scared, like what the hell is he doing following me? Like my day couldn't be anymore worse

"I am, my name is Raylon, and my boss sent me to keep and eye on you" then he added "never tell anyone that I talked to you, also I think i saw you before, somewhere" "Okay that's weird but i will leave this place in few hours so..." the boy's eyes lighten up and asked me "can....can you help me get out from here?" I mean i could somehow try to help him out but "What do you mean? Don't you work here?" "Actually I wasn't meant to have a free will, but somehow i have, and this place is driving me crazy" he said with a sad tone in his voice "Alright then, the plan?" He said with an exited voice "Here what we are going to do"

✨Time skip to the meddle of the plan✨

Why did I accept this crazy plan?? AND WHY ARE WE FLYING AGAIN I HATE THIS, "we are so close to the ground, we shall run as fast as we can when we reach it" Raylon said "ARE WE IN ACTION MOVIE OR SOMETHING???" I asked shakily "its not the time for jokes you accept to help me we cant go back in time, plus when we reach the end of the death lands we should be in your world" he said before we land and begin to run like cheetahs to the border of this worldWe stopped by a long white wall that goes up forever, then Raylon put his hands on the wall trying to open it somehow, me who learned magic i think I could help "Ray.. may i try? Maybe magic could work" he moved away giving me a space to my magic, a blue light started to appear from my hands and break the walls, i did it, "I did it...i brea...." "There is no time" Raylon grabbed my hand and we ran outside the death lands, just to the hospital i was in, I looked behind me to see Raylon smiling, and crying? "Are you okay?" I asked worried "yeah, I'm happy, I'm finally out" he starts to shake my shoulders "IM OUT!!" he said with a happy tone with excitement

Wait I'm here too, and i have the magic I need, I started to run to Ola's room "where are you going?" Raylon asked "my sister, i was learning magic to help her wake up from here come" I finished my sentence and opened the door where Hiyori is, mothers was still there where i left her

I putted my hands on the top of Ola's head and opened the book, I started to mumble a healing spell, and i saw my sister's eyes starts to open

Ola's POV

It was dark here, i saw visions, future? Past? A lot and a lot of time lines, they all fade and a streams of light, I opened my eyes and saw my mother and my sister surrounding me while was laying on a bed, i could know it was the hospital from the smell

And then, there was a red haired boy standing next to Tulip, "who are y..." "WAIT RAYLON???" I jumped ignoring all the pain in my body, "you know him?" Tulip asked confused "wait no... I mean yess..maybe?" "Oh come on choose one" she said half angry "i used to met him in my dreams, the ones i know they were dreams, I thought he was just something my head created" "those weren't dreams though, i used to see you too, i call that place the 5th dimension but I don't now what it actually is"

"Okay so what now? I have powers, there is some random dude who is half robot and can share dreams with you, mother is confused, life is shit {nothing new}

"I don't know, but can we back home already?" I asked "what about Ray?" ah shit I've never thought about that "I'm not questioning you anymore, but there is a guest room in out house by the way" my mother said, god i love this women 


lazy to write how they get beck home and the random things so I'll skip it to Hiyori's birthday next chapter ✨W/C 989

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