Chapter 7: Follow Yours and Others Will Too!

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As I sat down to write about the next chapters of the book, I  began to calm myself and listen. I heard Jes say "Listen and pay attention, you will get it when you focus."  Moments later I began to feel that tingling sensation run down my back and I saw a picture of my friend Emilyn. She was back!

"Emilyn!" I cheered, excitement filled my chest the moment I knew it was her. Me and Emilyn had started to bond lately and we really liked each other's company. We seemed to have some things in common.

"Hi" Emilyn replied with a smile. "I'm going to be your next study." I could sense Emilyn had a 'lets get down to business' sort of approach so I went with the flow. Although we began to bond, I didn't know much about her story, perhaps she was saving it for this moment in time. Silence filled my mind as Emilyn began to tell her story...

"I used to teach my family how to listen to their intuition and showed them how it actually works. Intuition is much more simple than people make it out to be. All you have to do is be open minded and willing to listen." "Okay..."  I responded, "please, go on!"

"My parents used to struggle listening to their inner-voice, my father was a stockbroker and businessman for an attorney fund. He used to work really hard at trying to make a living and getting a lot of money so he could become well off and spend time with his family. One day, I told him to relax and pay attention to his hunches; that he could never truly focus and make good decisions if he was uptight and stressed all the time."

"What about your mum?" I asked with curiosity.

"My mum stayed at home and looked after us, she loved us so much and was very great at it. She was loving, supporting and was such a kind woman who also had a passion for painting. The problem was that she wouldn't spend any time painting because she felt that she wasn't as good as other professional painters out there who would sell a lot of their art and who were, admittedly, very good. I told her "just because there are others doesn't mean that these people are you. Your art has something to offer, listen to yourself. Understand that this is what your soul wants to do. You need to honor it and stop neglecting your gift and passion. Do it!"

"So did she manage to sell her art or something?" I asked. "Yes, she managed to sell a few and mainly gave a lot of her paintings to a church that we would regularly attend."

'That's good then." I gasped with relief "I'm sure there was value in her work, she needed to believe it for herself."

"Exactly." Emilyn nodded "To be able to listen, you must believe. That's the way intuition works, believe in yourself and the spirit within that guides you. The more you believe, the more you can do and the more you'll be able to do."

"What happened with your dad?" I asked.

"He eventually wanted to be ahead of the game and score a card that would help the family. So as he decided to listen to his hunches, he was able to gradually make better decisions on his stockbroking business and gained more and more money over time. He even made one investment that changed our lives. By listening, you'll even be able to affect the lives of others as well as yourself in a positive way. You can make a difference and become an example of how things can be like if you simply choose to be in alignment with your intuition by choosing to listen."

The realisation I was having dawned on me... "You're an intuitive person too aren't you?"

"Yes, I was. I was born with a strong intuition and was also empathic just like you. My parents didn't always understand me at first, but I know they loved me and in the end they did come to understand. As you follow your intuition, you inspire other people to follow theirs."

'That is so true!" I took a breather and was amazed with Emilyn's life, well, the little I did learn. It was rich, interesting and most of all quite similar to mine.

Listening is an essential key to developing your intuition. When it comes to listening, I reckon this is a skill that comes with time and plenty of practice. The more you listen, the more you can trust and the stronger your intuition gets. I know it can be scary to follow your hunches sometimes, it truly is a courageous step that I pray all of us will take. This will also help you build an establishing connection with your inner-voice as you listen to it step by step.

Listening doesn't always have to be a scary thing, but it can be fun if you allow your intuition to come out and play with you. Sometimes we do need to loosen up, not take life and ourselves too seriously and allow trivial things to frustrate us. Let's try to calm the storms within us, loosen up and take the courage to listen to our inner-voice when it guides us. I promise, it will be worth it! You won't always see the full picture, but in time, you just might start to understand certain things more clearly later on.

Even if you get things wrong, don't let that discourage you. Dust yourself off and move on. We all make mistakes and no one is immune to that.

Relax, loosen up, pay attention and listen!

Journey with Your IntuitionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora