Chapter 4: Slow Down

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As I was journaling, I wrote to Jes about the idea of this book and wanting to be persistent about finishing the chapters. I said that I would love to help anyone from the other side tell their story and help them solidate their message. Almost immediately after I said that, I got a slight tingle in my back and had this feeling come over me. I usually know what that means, somebody from the other side is about to pay me a visit!

In my mind's eye I saw a woman with brown hair that was almost shoulder length with a caucasion look. I also noticed what looked like a little pouch bag around her waist and was wearing a whitish apron. Underneath it I saw a shirt with flowers on it, it looked like one of the things that someone with a gentle sense of fashion would wear. Her vibe was really warm and I sensed she was some kind of social butterfly. I knew that she came because of what I had just said about the book and asked her what she would like to say?

I then saw an image with a bunch of flowers in a small field. The setting looked quite playful and I saw different color flowers in this garden, it looked beautiful!

"How come you're showing me this? It looks beautiful by the way!" I said, enamoured by the vision I was seeing. "Put yourself in nature, be present and enjoy the beautiful things around you. Stop and spend time taking in your environment! Stimulate your right brain, feel comfortable, relax, breath in and out, enjoy the bliss, feel the air go in and out of your lungs. Slow down, stop, be present, completely present. This will help you pay attention to the signals and signs you get. Relax, slow down, breath, be present and appreciate."

"You used to love flowers didn't you?" I asked, observing what she was saying and showing me. "Yes" She responded with a gentle approval. "I used to really appreciate the beauty of flowers in my life. I was a gardener. I absolutely loved it! Some of the principles I've learnt can be learnt by anyone in whatever direction they choose to go, from any walk of life."

"Amazing!" I said out loud, she then continued. "Be still, I know how difficult it is sometimes, especially when you really want to get somewhere. But when you calm your mind, you will be able to see answers more readily and clearly."

I nodded, "Hmm...that's so true" I replied. "Is there anything else you'd like to say?"

"No, what you have is perfect!" She said this with a smile and as the dialogue ended she went on her way.

In a world that's becoming so fast paced and in demand for quick results, we're forgetting the principle of slowing down, being grounded and present. I totally get the fact that sometimes, the circumstances of life often do get on top of us and we end up extremely busy. But we absolutely do need to find the time to quiet our minds and spend time alone and even in nature to ground ourselves and take a break from all the rush and drama of our lives.

Doing this brings down cortisol levels. For those of you who don't know, cortisol is the hormone in our bodies that is responsible for regulating your metabolism, sugar levels, memory and keeping us awake. This is the thing that is also released in the bloodstream in the morning when you're waking up. It helps keep the body together, functioning properly and efficiently.

Too much cortisol however brings up the stress levels excessively and can cause inflammation, headaches, dizziness, high blood pressure, excessive weight gain or weight loss, constipation or diarrhea, fatigue, a foggy mind and can cause your nervous system to go on overdrive - being in fight or flight mode all the time. This can cause irritability, depression and anxiety. And of course, all of this isn't conducive for hearing your inner-voice.

When we decide to relax, slow down and take regular breaks, we start to become more aligned with our bodies and our senses. This is where the magic begins in being able to notice things you never noticed before. Like subtle messages and impressions you get from your intuition. There's a saying that goes 'Get out of your mind and come to your senses!' What a true statement!

Try to take at least 5 minutes of each day in a quiet space, breathing in and out, try to relax and let go of all the drama and activity for the moment and be still. Pay attention to how you're feeling. How does your body feel? What comes to mind? Your mind might wonder but that's okay, simply relax, breathe in and breathe out.

I also met another person from the other side whose ending, some may say, wasn't the happiest...

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