Chapter 8: Living up to Your Standards

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A while after that experience, the time came when I had to face something a little deep for me and this was the resentment that built up over time for a lot of religious people in general. Funny enough, one of my graduation presents was a bible, go figure.

I was in the shed one day and as I was journaling. Me and Emilyn were having a conversation. Then from nowhere, Emilyn asked me an interesting question, "Why are you so angry at christians?" The moment she asked me this, it's like the air changed color to a beige bright red. I wasn't angry at the question but I knew we were about to dive a little deeper.

"It's because of all the things they've done and said to me and other people too" I replied. "Some of us have even been driven to depression and suiside because of these people. A lot of them whether they know it or not are constantly hindering people from being who they really are and it can stifle us. Many of them are stubborn, small minded, judgemental and not to mention obnoxious! They want to oppress people who are unique and gifted because of their primitive, superstitious ignorance."

"I get it..." she said. "People act like this because they usually don't know any better, you know this. They need someone to show them, guide them. Instead of working against them, teach them; inspire them. We know you can, it's always been your thing." As she said this, a picture of that new bible I got popped into my mind. "Pick it up again, remember, try not to attack, instead, heal."

Clarity endowed my mind, and as her words hit me, it washed away more of the bitter stains that were lurking inside. The light bulb went on as I came to the realisation that I allowed myself to get a little carried away with resentment instead of doing the job I was here for. As I write the words on this page I'm completely reliving this entire moment again. (And Emilyn, seriously, thank you. Thanks so much for reminding me who I am and what I'm made to do.)

Sometimes we get so carried away with something that we forget who we are and what we're supposed to be doing or even the next step. We let our emotions and past experiences decipher what we should do next. And if we're honest with ourselves, it usually isn't productive or smart. We stay angry, bitter or disappointed at something, sit with it and allow ourselves to get consumed with those thoughts. It stops us from seeing the big picture and what's really important. And while life passes by, we miss all sorts of opportunities to have fun and do something great because we're in a negative state and don't see the blessings that are being unfolded in our lives right now. In fact, sometimes we deny them all together.

This is why chapter one is so important because we're liable to let old memories, past traumas and old habits stop us from hearing the call of our inner-voice. When our intuition guides us, there are usually precepts which we're given to live by. Always remember who you are, create a new lifestyle, and new habits that suit you. And make a decision each morning to walk your path and follow the precepts given to you by the voice within.

Journey with Your IntuitionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon