Chapter 3: Being Authentic

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Expressing yourself frees you up mentally and emotionally. It even has subtle physical benefits too. It keeps future stresses at bay, makes you less aggressive and is even known to lengthen your life.

Expressing yourself brings down the tension in your body and confusion in your mind, makes you more open to the currents of life and free to receive suggestions you may not have noticed.

Expressing yourself (especially in public) is a good act of courage and intuition loves courage! You draw intuition to you and in return will reward you with more guidance and advice. The more guidance and information you take action on, the more information and guidance you'll get.

Being who you truly are also releases good chemicals in the body that fights inflammation and helps you find it easier to relax. This also of course is good fertile ground for intuitive insight.

Sometimes, being yourself isn't always the easiest thing to do. Like being a teenager especially and feeling the pressure to fit into the so-called social circle in college, school or wherever can be difficult, choosing a course or planning a life that your parents and other friends, parents or relatives would discourage you from doing.

In many situations, you're given the courageous opportunity of choosing who you really are. But let's start smaller than that, why don't you start something simple. For example, something like picking your favorite Ice-cream flavour instead of the one that's popular at the time?

This may sound trivial, but some of you may want to start with the easy things and work up to the bigger, scarier stuff. Then later, you will have built up enough courage to tackle the bigger things.

Start by wearing the clothes that you like in spite of what other people may think. It doesn't matter if it's "old school" or "edgy" as long as you like it. Listen to music that you like instead of what is popular amongst your so called friends. Enjoy something that genuinely interests you as a person.

As you do these things, you'll start to feel something within you light up again. This may be a feeling you may have not felt in a long time, but chances are you've always known this feeling. That is the child within finally feeling freer and saying "Hi". You've now started to begin the process of freeing and feeding your soul; your true essence. Some of you probably feel the feeling rising right now as you read these words. If you do, then allow yourself to feel it, don't push it back down. Let yourself get excited, laugh if you feel the urge to!

So, again, you may be wondering why this process is so important?

As I said in chapter 2, your intuition has a direct link to your soul which is your true self. The more you allow yourself to be who you really are the more your intuition flourishes. Sometimes we do make being authentic too complicated when it's actually in fact very simple. It first starts with being honest with yourself and then with others. Trust yourself and know that you will be guided and intuition will guide you to where you need to be.

I remember when I was in college and feeling the pressure of fitting into the crowd. But instead I thought to myself "Screw this, I don't care anymore. I'm gonna be myself!" I started dancing in the common room, singing and having fun the way I wanted to. I did this simply because I liked it and was being myself. And do you know what? That was the year my intuition began to blossom even more! I started to see things more clearly, do things with more ease and gained even more confidence.

Things went very well for me that year because it was the year that I chose to be even more authentic and express myself on a radical level. You don't necessarily have to do what I did and be loud, dance and sing. Just as long as you know that you're really being true to yourself then that's the only thing that matters.

Be true to yourself, express yourself!

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