Part 1

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"Kennedy, get your ass up we going out today," Alia spoke. I had just woken up from my long nap and was talking to her on the phone.

"I don't know, you know my brother has me on lockdown. I couldn't go out even if I wanted too," I replied.

"Okay and??? You are grown just leave," Alia replied. She doesn't understand that it's not that easy. My brother has watchdogs all over the house watching my every move.

"Come on Kennedy, you never go out. I'll pick you up at 10:00," Alia said then quickly hung up before I could protest.

I lived with my brother, Kenith for a whole 8 years now. It's just me and him ever since our parents died.

"Ugh I have nothing to wear," I whispered to myself. I started searching through my big closet for something to wear. I found this brown dress that I ordered a few weeks ago. I have Locs so there wasn't really much to do except edges.

Now I have to figure out to sneak past these watch guards

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Now I have to figure out to sneak past these watch guards. I know there are two that stand in the main entrance, two in the living room, and one out back. I couldn't jump through a window cause I'm on the second floor. I started walking to the back door where Ron was standing at. He's only been working with my brother for a year but he's worked his way up fast.

"Uh where you going?" He asked "Did Keem authorize this?" Keem is what they call my brother. It was his nickname that my father came up for him and he goes by it ever since.

"Yeah he said I can go out," one thing about me I've always been a really good liar. Ron studied my face looking for any signs that I was lying and when he couldn't find any he gave up.

"Uh, lemme just call him first to make sure," Ron said getting his phone out. One thing that I learned these people were dead scared of my brother. I mean why wouldn't they be. My brother has murdered people like it was nothing.

"You sure you want to do that? He's in a meeting right now with a new connect and you know how he hates being interrupted especially cause of stupid shit like this," I replied. This wasn't a lie though, my brother was actually in a meeting looking for a new connect and he hates being interrupted.

"Ight fine," Ron moved out the way and I walked through the door.

"Thank you," I flashed a smile at him. He just shook his head.

It was 10:12 and I still didn't see Alia. I called her up "Girl where you at I'm freezing up in these Detroit streets," I spoke.

"I'm on my way, like 2 minutes. I'm so glad you decided to go out," Alia said.

"Yeah, my brother is busy tonight so he wouldn't be around," I replied. I saw her red 2021 Nissan pull up.

"Hey girl you look cuteee" Alia said as I got in.

"Thank you, you know I had to step. I haven't been out in a long time."

Alia started to drive. The car ride was kinda long.

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