"Pete! You got (y/n) a dog toy," James laughed.

"I did?" Peter questioned.

"Yes, you dimwit," Sirius teased as Euphemia slightly slapped his chest for making fun of his friend.

"Sorry, I didn't know," Peter apologized, shaking his head.

"It's okay, Peter," I sighed. "I may not have a dog, but it's still adorable."

"Let's keep opening presents," James insisted.

"Good idea," I nodded, picking up the gift from James. This gift was different. This gift was a hand mirror. "Was this for me or for Sirius? Sirius could use his own mirror," I joked.

"Just wait," he smirked. "You guys should open the one from me, too," James told his fellow Marauders. The Marauders unwrapped their gift from James and it was identical to mine.

"James, what are you on to?" Remus questioned as James brought out his own mirror.

"This mirror is my greatest achievement. That and one other thing," James said, giving a sneaky look at the Marauders. "Communico," James said, causing all of our mirrors to beam. The Marauders (except for James) and I stared at our mirrors in complete shock. "Go on, say it."

"Communico," we all mumbled, seeing everyone else on the reflection.

"James, this is wicked!" Sirius exclaimed, his voice echoing through the mirrors.

"I know," James happily shrugged.

"Wow," I said, breathlessly.

"Wow, indeed," Remus agreed in the same breathless manner.

"So, if  we were to ever separate, we can always communicate," James smiled.

"That's so sweet," I whispered as I hugged James. The rest of the Marauders joined in on the hug.

"Was that the last of the gifts?" Remus asked as we all departed from the hug.

"I still need to open the gift from you," I said to Remus. I grabbed the final present and opened it. It was a book.

"That's not all," Remus said, slyly. I flipped to a random page of the book and the beautiful Ursa Major was magically floating above the book.

"It's about the night sky. And there are a few myths and legends, too," Remus informed. "Basically, it's a magical pop up book."

"It's amazing," I beamed. "Thank you."

Remus gave me a slight nod with a simple smile as a response.

"Anyways, I'm hungry," Sirius huffed once the room was quiet.

"Right!" Euphemia exclaimed, "There's food prepared."

"Yes!" Everyone chimed, standing up to enter the dining room.

"Sorry, but I need to start heading over to the no-maj town," I sighed, going by the front door and putting on snow boots.

"Right now?" Fleamont questioned.

"Yeah, I have to call Lily, but I'll be back soon."

"Did someone say Lily?" James asked, butting himself into the conversation.

"No, I said...Willy," I lied. "Some person I met the last time we went to town."

"Oh," James mumbled, walking to the dining room.

"Stay safe, kiddo," Fleamont chuckled.

"Thanks, I'll see you all later," I beamed, grabbing a scarf and a beanie before I left to the town.

One of a Kind {Regulus Black x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now