°* Merry Christmas *°

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Cover art by @ keebruhelf on Twitter

Little- Tommy (3) Quackity (5) Ranboo (4-5) Tubbo (3)
Cg- Wilbur, Sapnap, Puffy
Others- Niki, Eret

- What's happening? -
The Littles of the smp celebrate Christmas!

Words: 2169

There's a lovely smell looming around in the village; pine, tea and Christmas cookies.

Everything is nicely decorated in red and green, the streetlights shining dimly, a huge Christmas tree in the villages center.
The same old, nostalgic movies playing on every TV, the last candles flickering on the dining tables, neatly embellished pine trees standing in every living rooms window, a plate with cookies and a glass of milk next to it.

~the evening before Christmas .

What a nice, calming ambience, isn't it?

°3rd person PoV.°


"I don wanna go to bed! I wanna stay up an see Santa!", a hyper, little Tommy screeched, jumping around on his bed, wearing pjama bottoms and Christmas jumper; He didn't want to change out of his jumper.
~It's warm, and fuzzy and... oh ohh right! It is red too and even got a snowman with a tiny carrot nose that is poking out! ~
Why would he want to change out of it? That didn't make any sense to the small boy.
Wilbur was okay with that, nonetheless, having the little one stay up all night, risking a sleepy, grumpy boy the next day, was something he was against.
I mean, who would blame him? Sleeping is important, especially for small kids! And having a grumpy cat walking around on Christmas? Doesn't sound fun.
"but nights are long and boring, not to forget, the quicker you're asleep, the sooner you get to see tuby, boo and big q!", Wilbur said, trying to sound convincing enough for the smaller to play along.
For a moment there is silence, the little lost in thoughts.
~Wait, he's got a point with that.. What would he do all night, wilby goes to bed, then he'd have to play all on his own. That sounds boring. And.. Oh! ~
"I'ma see ma fends!", now he was all happy and jumpy again!
"yeah right! And that's why you have to go to bed, so the night is over really quick and you can see them!", Wilbur said, hoping he'd finally get the boy to go to bed.
With the end of the sentence, Tommy flopped down on his bed, hurrying under the blanket and grabbing his stuffed cow 'Henry' he got for his birthday a while back.
Wilbur was takenaback by this, yet glad he wouldn't have to discuss further. Content with it he took the pacifier from the nightstand and popped it into the Littles mouth who happily took it and nuzzled his face into the blanket.
And because every good day has to end with a good bedtime story, Wilbur went to get his brothers favorite book out of the shelf.

~(/p) quacknap~

Quackity and Sapnap had just finished dinner; mac n' cheese, a very nice food for littles, making quackity feel nice fuzzy and small. Putting down his fork, Sapnap spoke up, "duckling, how about we watch a nice movie when I finished the dishes?",
I think almost everyone would agree- watching a nice movie with a person you like is lovely. Who would say no to such an offering?
"yes pease!", the little shouted, nodding eagerly and getting jumpy in his seat. "no shouting please bubs, it's late, we gotta talk with our inside voice.", his caregiver lectured while smiling. "well then, you go upstairs, get ready for bed and pick a movie, and I'm joining when I finished cleaning", he suggested, nodding his head to the staircase.
That was all Quackity needed, he hopped out of his chair and ran off to their bedroom.
It didn't take long for Sapnap to get everything done, and soon enough he went upstairs as well, getting ready for bed first, then walking into the bedroom.
It was quite a lovely sight; little quackity cuddled into his fuzzy blanket, wearing a yellow onesie, dark blue pacifier hanging sloppily in the corner of his mouth, and a plushie duck clutched tightly in his arms.
The only source of light in the room being the flickering of the TV made the atmosphere just right for a nice evening.
Sapnap climbed in bed next to his little, the smaller hurrying into his caregivers arms, leaning into the warm feeling that was radiating from the others body.
Pressing 'play' on the remote, the prologue of the movie Tangled started dancing across the screen.
Sapnap running one hand through the smallers hair and cuddling him tightly made the little sleepy, and shortly after the movie started playing he was already far gone into dreamland.

°*Little mcyt & friends*°                           ageregression OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt