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Cover art by @ oniimely on Twitter

Little- Tommy (3-4)
Cg- wilbur

- What's happening? -
Part one of Big brother wilbur taking the L'manberg littles to the playground.
This chapter- early mornings with an happy little.

Words: 1879

It's way too early in the morning and he was comfortably laying in his bed when Wilbur felt a small poke in his cheek.
Stirring awake, he opened his eyes just too be met with the pair of sparkling bright blue eyes of an already way too hyper boy, clearly regressed.
"'morning wilby!", Tommy loudly greeted his half asleep brother and caregiver, smiling ever so brightly.
'Strange, normally when he's little so early in the morning he's had a nightmare. But why would he be so bubbley? That doesn't make sense. I must have forgotten something then..', Wilbur was lost in thoughts when the now impatient little jumped from the bed, taking the warm blanket with him, and exposing his big brother to the cold morning air that wavered through the open window.
"Wilby get upppp!", Tommy whined, wrapping the blanket around himself, like a little sushi role.
"What's gotten you all hyper so early, buddy? Usually I have to drag you out of bed, not the other way around.", wilbur chuckled while finally getting up from his mattress, and going after the little blanket role.
'Just making his bed', wasn't so easy if it meant he had to play tag, trying to get back his blanket, at 7 in the morning.
Running after him, Wilbur snatched little Tommy, who had problems coordinating with the blanket covering part of his view, and held him in the air several inches above the floor.
"gotcha, you little blanket thief", Wilbur chuckled, holding his little brother who was dangling in his arms, laughing and softly kicking around.
He unwrapped the small boy and put him back to his feet, taking the blanket and draping it onto the bed.
"you forgots!", Tommy whined again, stomping his feet on the ground.
To say wilbur was confused would've been an understatement.
Oh what have I forgotten now?
He stared at the wall for a moment, before having an enlightenment and gasping while smiling. Now it makes sense why little Tommy is so happy in the early morning hours!
"of course I didn't!" he smiled at the boy before continuing, "you have a playdate with Tubbo at the playground! How would I forget?". Hearing this, the grumpy little's mood grew all happy again and he was now jumping around smiling.
"I'm seein' Tubs!", he chanted with every jump.
Wilbur just chuckled, happy for his little, and relieved he just managed his way around a tantrum at 7:20am.
After a few more happy jumps and chants of excitement, Wilbur was done making his bed and looking through his wardrobe. He's seeked his clothes together and placed them on the freshly made bed.
He then went to Tommy's room, doing the same, all followed by the bubbley little.
"okay bud, I'll go change in my room real quick, and you too get ready. Also, look what's here- ", he smiled and patted on the pile of clothes he laid out for the boy. "-your favorite jumper is all nice and clean again!"
The little let out a happy squeel; his favorite jumper- an oversized yellow one that he's had 'borrowed' from his big brother- had been in the washing machine after he accidentally spilled red juice on it. Wilbur had been worried about not getting the stain out of it and Tommy cried for hours.
Luckily, Niki could help, things like those had been an everyday situation in her bakery, so she learned how to get all the icky, tricky spots out of fabric.
"wilby jumpy!", Tommy happily bounced up and down.
This day was amazing already, and it just started!
He sat down on the bed and hastily started to pull off his socks, wanting to get ready as quickly as possible.
Wilbur just laughed at his actions and left the room, slightly closing the door behind him, and leaving to get ready himself.

°*Time skip to when they're done changing*°

Wilbur knocked at the littles door, and after an faint 'mhm!', peeked his head through the frame.
Having a look inside he made eye contact with the same blue sparkles as usual, smiling when he saw the boy was having a nice conversation with his stuffies.
"having a good talk?", Wilbur asked softly, earning an eager nod from the little.
"that's great! Does your stuffy wanna have breakfast with us then?", again, an happy squeel and heavy nodding from the boy.
"awesome! Say, buddy, you wanna tell me how old you're feeling today?", it's part of their routine; knowing the Littles age is important, how would wilbur know what to get the boy for breakfast otherwise? And Tommy knows that, so he's cooperative.
After taking a short moment to think, he smiles and holds his hand in the air; 3 fingers outstretched.
"wow! Such a big boy!", Wilbur cooed at his little. "let's go have some toast and egg then, shall we? I'm sure your teddy bear would like some too!", he said calmly while nodding towards the door.
Tommy smiled and got up, toddling towards the door, then stopping in front of wilbur.
He looked up to his Caregiver, who looked back at him with a smile.
"upies?", he asked with big eyes, sticking his thumb in his mouth.
"sure bud, but keep your fingers out of your mouth, that's icky.", Wilbur lectured whilest picking up the small boy and walking to the bedside table, grabbing an pacifier instead and popping it into the Littles mouth. "here you go, that's better. Now let's go get some food", Wilbur said whilest lightly poking the littles tummy, earning a fit of giggles.

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