°* Swings And Slides (2) *°

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Cover art by @ shmeckdoesstuff on Twitter

Little- Tommy (3-4) Tubbo (4-6)
Cg- big brother wilbur, ranboo

- What's happening? -
Part two of big brother wilbur taking the L'manberg littles to the playground.
This chapter- playtime!

Words: 2046

It's time. Finally they arrive at the parking lot in front of the park.
Wilbur gathered their basket and backpack, and went to unbuckle the little, who was impatiently kicking it's feet back and forth in his seat.
"you're excited buddy?", Wilbur asks while holding out his hand for the boy to hold while walking towards the entrance.
Loud happy squeals sound through the air, "yeah! Imma see tuby!", the smaller cheerfully beamed. Wilbur chuckled, "sure you do".
As the walked through the entrance of the park they looked around. It was an rather big park; a huge meadow with some trees and bushes, perfect for Tag or hide and seek, some benches, and seats made out of wooden trunks, a small pond that some duck families could call their home, and from far you could see the tower of the climbing frame.
"there! There!", the little chanted in excitement, pointing towards their destination.
"exactly! That's where we're headed bub.", Wilbur exclaimed, smiling at the boy who was bouncing in anticipation.
After a few more minutes of walking, including a little stop at the pond to say hello to the duckys of course, they finally reached the playground.
With it being rather early, and the fact it was in the middle of the week, everybody was busy, meaning they had the place all to themselves for now. Which was great, considering that'll mean there's no 'waiting for their turn' on the slide.

Wilbur settled down the blanket and put their stuff next to it. All whiles Tommy was waiting for the 'go' to finally run of and have fun.
They had been kinda early, so it'll take a minute till Tubbo would get there, meaning Tommy still had to kill some time until he could finally see his best friend again.
Yeah- they went to the same school, but rather far apart from each other, and since break had just started they hadn't seen each other in a while. Tho, even if school would be still going, he'd still be very excited to see Tubbo again. Meeting in school and meeting in their free time always are two different situations.

After everything was set wilbur turned around, surprised to see a certain little standing in front of him, pacifier in mouth with big sparkly eyes. "you don't wanna go and play?" he asked a bit confused. The other quickly shook his head, "wan wilby to play with me!", Tommy answered, words slightly muffled through the paci. Wilbur laughed, of course, how could he think the small boy on its own would go any further than to the end of the blanket? "sure, let's go!", Wilbur smiled, following the regressed boy into the Sandbox.

°* with tubbo *°

"come on little one, you need a jacket, it's windy.", a voice calls, holding a jacket while following after a small boy that didn't want to cooperate with his caregiver.
Clearly, who likes a jacket? It's annoying when playing! You can't move around the way you want, and if you run it gets too warm. Annoying.
"it's gonna be all cold and uncomfy without it, and you're gonna get sick; you won't be abled to play for a while and have to stay in bed all day then.", the voice warned lightly.
Wait! No playing and just in bed? That's so boring! Maybe wearing a jacket isn't so bad after all! Yeah, actually, they're pretty comfy!
Finally the boy stopped in his tracks and walked to his friend, putting on the jacket like a big boy, just needing a little help when the mean arm just won't go into the sleeve; always getting stuck somehow.
Now that they're ready all they need is to grab the Littles backpack, and get going. Tommy is probably already waiting for them.

°* at the park *°

Tommy had been making little sand cakes while wilbur was watching over the small one.
Suddenly a well known voice called out for them.
"hewoo Tommy!", very excited Tommy jumped up, running towards his best friend, who was already in full speed running at him. They stopped right before they would have collided, then engulfed each other in a big bear hug. "Tuby!", the mentality smaller exclaimed while still having his arms wrapped around the in comparison to him rather tiny boy.
Meanwhile Ranboo had reached the blanket wilbur put down and happily greeted him. They had a nice, short talk, the younger explaining what he's packed into his littles backpack, some basic knowledge about how the kid reacts to certain things and how to work it out.
He then said his goodbyes to everyone and left the group again; he's had an important appointment, which is why they chose this exact day, so wilbur could look after tubbo. They did this every once in a while, the other way around as well, and the boys loved it. -I mean, who wouldn't be happy about being abled to spend time with their best friend? Right, no one, spending time with your best friend is awesome!
"okay boys, you wanna go and play now?", Wilbur asked, walking up to them. "yes!", both of the Littles screamed in unison, earning a chuckle from the jung adult. "okay then, you go have fun! But don't run of too far, just so you can still see me, okay?", Wilbur warned. Both of the small boys nodded their head quickly, then ran off into the playarea.

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