"Hey Lily! Come in!" He proclaims ushering me into his home. "What you doing here? Want to watch a movie or something?" He asks excitedly.

"I'd love to." I grin but my escapade in the woods earlier made my body rather tired. "Can we take a short nap first?" I question hopefully. His face reddens considerably.

"Yeah sure if you want." He says trying to seem cool about it. I grab his hand and jog up the stairs. Walking into his room I throw my self on his bed. The covers are all the way at my feet and I frown up at him. He sighs pretending to be annoyed before pulling them up and tucking them around my body. I smile snuggling in my cocoon. Stiles goes to sit in his desk chair before I stop him.

"Can you lay next to me?" I ask a bit embarrassed. "Sometimes when I sleep my body temperature randomly decreases." He nods his head carefully and slides in next to me. He props his head on his elbow. There's a good distance between us which I am thankful yet spiteful towards. The urge to roll over just a little bit and lay my head on his toned chest is raging in my gut. I ignore it and turn so I'm not facing him. "Wake me up in 40 minutes?" I ask.

"Yeah go to sleep." He smiles down at me. Closing my eyes I take a deep calming breath. I focus on sleep and feel a warm hand rub up and down my back. My face heads up immediately and I'm suddenly thankful to not be facing him. It takes seconds for me to fall asleep.

After many games on the Xbox Stiles and I go downstairs to get dinner. His dad is sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of what looks like scotch and a file.

"Hey Mr. Stilinski." I greet, pulling out a chair and sitting next to him.

"Lily." He greets. I've become more and more like a daughter to him and he like a father to me. "This case is stressing me out." His truthful answer makes itself heard. "There's just so many holes I can't piece it together." I try to look at the papers when he gives me a firm look. "You know I can't show you these." I sigh regretfully really hoping I could have done some snooping. Walking to the fridge I pull out some cheese and butter as well as going to the pantry and getting some bread. I put a pan on the stovetop and turn on the heat. There's a shuffling behind me so I turn and see Stiles picking up the bottle of scotch. He goes over to papa Stilinski and pours him another drink. Oh that's terrible. I walk over and Stiles looks up at me. His eyes are pained and flooded with grief.

"I'm going to hell." He croaks.

"Need a ride?" I ask playfully trying to lighten the mood. He smiles slightly before pointing to a picture. It was taken of Derek at the station except you can't tell it's him because of the weird things his eyes do to the flash. I nod at him and grab his shoulder understanding that he needs to know what his dad knows.

Going back to the pan I lay in three grilled cheese sandwiches and wait patiently humming to myself as they cook before flipping them. When they're completely done I put them on plates and walk back to the table.

"I miss your mom." I hear Mr. Stilinski tell Stiles with tears in his eyes.

"I miss her too." Stiles replies just as sorrowfully.

"Okay dinner ready boys!" I exclaim with a cheery smile. Mr. Stilinski looks up at me proudly.

"Thank you Lily. You're a lot like her you know. My late wife. She'd be so happy that Stiles found someone like you." I feel red creep up my neck and my chest constrict. That's possibly the nicest thing he could ever say to someone as well as the hardest.

"Thanks John. She must have been wonderful." He smiles wistfully and I sit down, all of us eating in silence.

Shortly after I finish cleaning all the dishes Stiles comes running in. "We need to go!" He says urgently.

Refuge (Vampire Diaries/ Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now