more new neighbors!

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Blakelyn and Paisley finish playing with their horses and put them away before they look out the window!

"Woah! People are outside in the empty house!" Paisley says with a smile at Blakelyn.

"AWWW! They have a kitty cat!" Blakelyn says with a grin.

"JJ! Gray! Wook! Wook!" Blakelyn says, flapping her hands happily at her brothers.

John and Grayson both put their toys down and walk over to the window where Blakelyn and Paisley are both standing to look out the window!

"They have two kitty cats instead of one!" Grayson says as he giggles.

"AWWWW! I wuv kitties!" Blakelyn says as she flaps her hands.

"I think we have new neighbors, guys! Remember, the older people that lived there moved to Florida a few months ago!" John says to Blakelyn, Paisley and Grayson.

"Oh yeah!" Blakelyn and Paisley both say in unison, remembering that the older people moved a few months ago!

"Daddy! Papa!" Grayson yells as he runs out of the playroom and runs over to PK and Mike, who are cuddling on the couch together.

"Hey, bud!" Mike says with a cheeky smile at Grayson.

"Hey! Whatcha guys doing in the playroom?" PK asks Grayson with a grin.

"Pwaying and having fun!" Grayson says as he dances around and smiles.

"Daddy! Papa! We got new neighbors! We got new neighbors!" Blakelyn says with excitement at PK and Mike. 

"Yeah yeah! We have new neighbors next door!" Paisley says as she dances

"We do? How do you girlies know?" PK asks, Blakelyn and Paisley.

"Because we saw them out the window in the playroom!" Paisley explains to PK and Mike. 

"They have two kitties and a mom and a dad and kids!" Blakelyn says as she begins to jump up and down.

"Having new neighbors is always fun!" Mike says as Beau and Poppy sit on the couch next to him.

John walks over to where Grayson, Blakelyn, Paisley, PK and Mike.

"Daddy and Papa, we have new neighbors! Did you see them?" John asks PK and Mike.

"We haven't seen them but Gray, Blakey and Paisy just told us!" Mike says with a big grin at John.

PK gets up from the couch and looks out the window. PK sees a dad with five kids helping him bring things inside! PK also sees a mom standing by the front door.

"Yup! We have new neighbors! Wanna see too, Mike?" PK asks Mike playfully and Mike smiles at PK.

"No, I'll see them when we go over to meet with them!" Mike says causing the kids to laugh and PK laugh as well.

"Our neighborhood has so many new people and I love it!" PK says with a big grin.

"I love it too! Our neighborhood is full of amazing families and very diverse." Mike says to PK and PK smiles happily. 

"Can we meet them now?" Grayson asks as he runs over to PK to hug him.

"Yeah, Daddy! Can we meet them now?" Paisley asks PK, also hugging him.

"Not right now! We are going to wait for Ensy, Addy, Wi and Wes to wake up from their naps!" PK says to Grayson, Blakelyn, Paisley and John and Mike nods in agreement

PK & Mike Oneshots 2 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz