benji turns 10!

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The first to arrive is Benji's best friend Maxwell, his older brother Everett and younger sister Haven! Maxwell, Everett and Haven's dad and papa have been very close friends to Will and RJ for many years!

"Hey, Maxwell, Everett and Haven! Welcome!" Will says to the kids with a grin.

"Hi, Mr. Will!" Maxwell, Everett and Haven all say in unison to Will, placing the birthday presents on the present table.

"Hey!" RJ says, waving at Maxwell, Everett and Haven.

"Hi, Mr. RJ!" Maxwell, Everett and Haven all say in unison to RJ.

"Hi, Max, Havey and Ev! Thank you so much for coming!" Benji says happily walking over to Maxwell, Everett and Haven.

"Hi, Benji! Happy birthday!" Maxwell, Everett and Haven all say in unison happily.

"Thank you!" Benji says with a big smile.

Maxwell, Haven and Everett then wave and smile at Averie, Coralei, Harlow, Luca and Theodore.

Benji, Maxwell, Haven and Everett sit and talk about video games and sports while everyone waits for more birthday guests to arrive!

The next to arrive is Benji's new friends - twins Brinley and Brixton. These two along with their siblings just started going to the elementary school this school year and they became great friends with Benji's and his siblings!

"Hello!" Brinley and Brixton both say in unison to Will, RJ and Benji.

"Hey, Brix and Brin! Thank you for coming!" RJ says to the twins, fixing Harlow's shoes.

"Hey, guys!" Will says with a smile as he holds Luca who is already getting bored.

"Hi, Brinley and Brixton! Thank you so much for coming!" Benji says as he greets Brinley and Brixton.

"You're welcome! Happy birthday!" Brinley and Brixton both say in unison to Benji happily.

"Thank you!" Benji says with a big smile.

The next to arrive is Benji's best friends twins Rhys and Thia and their big sister Ember!

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The next to arrive is Benji's best friends twins Rhys and Thia and their big sister Ember!

"Hi, Ember! Hi, Thia and Rhys! Thank you all for coming!" Will says happily to Rhys, Thia and their big sister Ember.

"Hi, Mr. Will!" Rhys, Thia and Ember all say in unison to Will happily.

"Hey guys! Benji! Rhys, Thia and Ember are here!" RJ says talking to Rhys, Thia and Ember and then Benji.

"Hey, guys! Thank you so much for coming to my birthday party today!" Benji says happily to Rhys, Thia and Ember.

"Hi, Benji! Happy birthday!" Rhys, Thia and Ember all say in unison with big smiles.

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