Chapter 30: Blood Ties

Start from the beginning

The two then sat down and Momo was the first one to speak. "You said earlier that you sent me an offer for a specific reason. What is it?"

"It was your performance at the Sports Festival."

Momo frowned, "B-But it was terrible. I was barely able to shine among the other students."

"Well, I disagree with you on that." Edgeshot replied.


The Pro Hero crossed his arms, "While your performance wasn't... spectacular, it wasn't terrible either. You came out of the top 8. But what I saw that day was wasted potential. You have so much potential, Yaoyorozu, more than you even think. But the problem lies within your mind. Not only do you doubt your capabilities, but you also crack under pressure easily, just like when I attacked you earlier. I saw all that during the second event. When Ingenium's brother took the flag, you froze in your place and even went on your knees, losing all hope. Have you thought about creating traps beforehand or obstacles to protect your flag?"

Momo lowered her head in shame, "No, sir."

"And why's that?" He asked.


"Because you depended too much on Midoriya. You thought there was no way someone was going to get through him. That, and also because he didn't suggest that idea, and because you probably think he's better than you, you decided not to think outside of the box... It's not bad to depend on people, but when it reaches the point that makes one unable to think for him or herself it becomes bad. It makes you no better than a minion."

"B-But Izuku is really better than me. He managed to get the flag back when I lost it, and he won the Sports Festival." Momo argued.

"Of course, he's currently better than you. I'm not saying he isn't. I would be lying if I said that, and it would be foolish of me to make you believe that. However, you're letting this knowledge become a wall in your path to getting stronger. Take me for example. All Might is a better Hero than me. There's no argue. He's the Symbol of Peace. But that doesn't mean I'll completely depend on him and let this hinder my work as a Hero."

Edgeshot sighed as Momo shrank down in her seat, trying to avoid eye contact with the man in front of her. He managed to completely figure out her character just by watching the Sports Festival and can now read her like an open book.

"You don't need to look so down. I saw what you can really do when you fought Ashido. You're a smart girl and strong too. And you're here so that I can help you improve and become the great Hero I know you can be."

Momo's eyes widened as she looked back at the man, "You want to help me?" She asked in disbelief.

"I'm a Hero, it's what I do. Besides, I think it's important to help nurture the future generations because one day, you're the ones who'll be in charge of protecting this country. It'll be thanks to you that this country will be stay safe and that its people will continue to live on happily." The man replied with a smile behind his mask. "Now tell me. Have you ever heard about the ninjas from the Shinobi era?"

Momo put a finger on her chin, "I don't really know that much. I remember hearing about a cult or something that worshipped them. The one that got arrested for attacking the HPSC (Hero Public Safety Commission). They preached about those ninjas having similar abilities to our Quirks and that they indeed existed at some point."

"Exactly. Now whether they existed or not isn't our main concern here. Although, I think they're pretty cool and I'm a big fan of them because howtheyusedtofight..."

Momo blinked a few times as she saw the calm and reserved Edgeshot muttering about shinobi like a fanboy. It was just like Izuku when he muttered about Heroes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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