I honestly didn't give a fuck about appearances or my reputation on both USC and UCLA's campuses. That was only a lame excuse so I won her over. Fuck, Harper could've tied a dog collar around my neck and paraded me on my hands and knees naked through UCLA's entire campus if she'd agreed to this arrangement.

And fuck, she sure did with far less convincing than I thought I'd need.

I smirked as I remembered how my fingers raised goosebumps over the soft skin on the side of her neck, the faintly sweet taste of her arousal still on my tongue, and reminded her of the obvious, "We have chemistry."

"I won't lie, I still hate your guts, Jake.," was the breathy response as she slapped my hand away in a power play move that made me want to grip her hands overhead while I reminded her angry sex was the hottest version. "But it's only sexual."

"Then I have a proposal." As with all things Harper, direct and to the point was the best approach. "You and me. Friends with benefits."

Despite how I pretty much dry humped Harper against her car, I might have looked bold when I threw that arrangement at her, but knew the worst response was she laughed or flipped me off. Instead, her light blue eyes sized me up and down, her full lips pulled into a thin line, and she jutted out one of her hips.

"We're not friends, Jake." While the dislike was mutual, the indignant satisfaction in her voice poked into my nerves like a fresh bruise.

"Fuck buddies?" My eyebrows raised, which only warranted a frown that crossed her face. All of her obvious signs of arousal were there, blown out pupils, a flush of pink over her skin, short pitches of her chest with her elevated breathing, and tempted me like candy a child who wanted even after they were told no.

"W-we're not buddies." Yet again, Harper's body contracted her words and the tension that laced in her voice pulled a wide smirk across my face. I knew I had her, just needed the right words before she was as convinced as I was that, in our own fucked up way, we fit.

She attempted her best 'no' effort when she insisted, "We're not even acquaintances, I told you in Canada -" but I cut her off before she finished that painful reminder.

Once I mentioned rules, Harper's walking contraction, she caved as I both expected and hoped. Excited was an understatement for how I felt when Harper released that breathless, "Okay."

A rush of adrenaline and lust, combined with her one word of consent, flooded my mind with all the possibilities I took her, over and over until we were both sweaty and completely satisfied. My fingers twitched, my muscles strained, and my body flamed warm from how desperately I wanted her, even after the explosive blow job she'd given me.

As Emily's eyelashes fluttered as she blinked up at me, I pounded the side of my left fist on London's door until it rattled on the hinges, and tipped my head slightly sideways. "Wrong room, Em. This one is Drake's."

"Oh... London," she started, looked up at me from under her lashes, and rolled her lower lip inward in a move I'm sure some guy found attractive. While I sure found her attractive, contrary to Brittany's fuckery, I did value my friend's feelings and thankfully the very guy who liked her cracked open his door and peered at me through the crack.

Emily's head snapped in London's direction and she tossed me a fleeting smile. "Y-yeah, that's right."

"Jake?" Like the anti-social troll he was, London called out from behind his closed door and made no further attempt until I stepped down the hall, grabbed Emily's shoulders, and led her to the spot where I'd just stood.

"Here he is." I patted Emily's upper back, who hadn't hidden the confusion in her eyes but smiled politely when Drake flung open his door and gaped at her like she stood there completely naked.

Harper's Rules 1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now