Part 14

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Its headlights cut through the snow, ice and slush spraying as it comes to a stop. Heart leaping, you try not to move when you recognize the Inn's logo. Most likely it's Seokjin out for a final sweep before he shuts down the lift.

Cutting off its engine, the driver pushes up his goggles. Swinging a leg over, he dismounts and snow crunches beneath his feet.


Recognizing his voice, you go utterly still. The lights of the snowmobile illuminate Jungkook as, rushing forward, he drops to his knees.

"Y/N," he breathes, scanning you quickly. Spotting your hands clutching an ankle, he frowns. "What's wrong? Did you hurt yourself?"

"Yes," you blurt – and remember.

Jungkook has a girlfriend. He lied about it to your face.

Immediately, you stiffen. "I mean, yes but don't worry about me. I'm sure I can make it down the mountain. I just need to rest, and –"

"And what?" While you've been speaking, Jungkook's expression has grown sharper. "Roll yourself down the mountain? Die of hypothermia before you reach the bottom?"

Scowling, you attempt to hold the high ground.

"I'm not dying of hypothermia," you say. "It's not that cold."

"It's about to be," Jungkook counters. "I – why are we even arguing about this?" Lifting a walkie-talkie, he presses a button on the side. "Seokjin? This is Jungkook. Over."

There's a crackle on the other end, and Seokjin comes through.

"Did you find Y/N?" he says, frantic. "Where is she?"

"West side of the mountain. Gully run." Clicking off the speaker, Jungkook says, "What were you doing, trying this run by yourself? This is a double black diamond, Y/N."

Your scowl deepens. "I know. The sign was buried in snow, so I didn't realize. Seokjin, I'm fine," you say, reaching for the walkie-talkie. "I just twisted my ankle a little."

"A little?" Jungkook demands. "Can you even stand?"

Seokjin's voice crackles again through the speakers. "You hurt your ankle?"

"Yes," you say, and then pause. "And no, I can't put weight on it."

"Y/N." Seokjin groans.

Jungkook takes back the walkie-talkie. "It's alright," he says. "I'll get her back. What's the quickest way down the mountain?"

"How high up are you?"

"Pretty high." Jungkook glances around. "I wasn't far down the run when I saw broken branches."

Looking over his shoulder, your stomach churns when you realize you need Jungkook's help. You're not so prideful you'd risk your health by denying his assistance, but damn, do you wish Jungkook were anyone else.

On the other end of the walkie-talkie, Seokjin swears and Jungkook's gaze darts in your direction, lips tight.

"What's the fastest way down?" he repeats.

Seokjin's voice muffles, then is cut off. After a moment of waiting, Jungkook sits back on his heels. Tearing off one glove with his teeth, he unzips a bag at his waist.

"What are you doing?"

Jungkook looks up. "Searching for gauze. At the very least, I can wrap your ankle."

"But it's freezing outside. That's not –"

"Jungkook – you there?"

Snatching the walkie-talkie from the snow, Jungkook presses the button. "Yeah, I'm here. What's up?"

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