christmas special !!

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3rd person pov

Y/n sat and stared at the family of Christmas lights hung on her tree. All the different colors of bright lights made her head hurt, but they were all so beautiful so it was hard to look away. But that wasn't the only thing causing her awful and painful headache. She shot her eyes down at the few poorly wrapped presents and occasional nicely wrapped ones. They were all for either Ghostbur or herself, but none of them were from her.

It was time that she manned up and faced the tragedy of trying to think of the perfect gifts.

First of all, she had to think of a gift for Ghostbur. Now ghostbur is the sweetest person on the face of this world and wouldn't ever want to ask someone for anything that isn't essential. Of course, this just made it harder, but also much more fun. She'll get to be creative with her gifts, maybe even experiment with some new wrapping ideas? Suppose she'll get to DIY some of the latest trendy items to put under the tree?

But this was no time for goofing off and experimenting. She had to stick with something that she knew she wouldn't mess upon. Knitting.

Y/n had been knitting for years now, but always struggled on trying to get the perfect fit. It would have to fit since she was planning on knitting Ghostbur a brand new jumper. But wouldn't be quite awkward and obvious to measure Ghostbur's size? Probably not, but this is a very tricky predicament. Should she just wing it and go off of the eye? No, but that's all she'll do.

As she starts to knit and thread each piece of yarn through each other to male a lovely new sweater, Ghostbur suddenly walks in. A hint of panic rushes through her body as she hides the sweater behind a pillow.

That was not an awesome idea. Sure, it was perfect and Ghostbur luckily did not see the gift. But there was one flaw...she got caught up talking to Ghostbur that she sort of forgot about it. Now it was Christmas Eve and she has to try to finish it by midnight. Now this could end in flames or paradise.

So she started knitting, and knitting. Continuing until she got to the end of the jumper. Without looking at it, she threw it into a box and stuck a bow on in. She placed it under the tree along with the two other presents to Ghostbur.

She did it in record time. Perfect, she'll have the promised homeade gift for him. But when it reaches Christmas morning, she'll realize she made an awful mistake.

It was Christmas morning and Ghostbur had ran out of the to get Friend. He was incapable of doing anything without her.

Of course, Tommy had to come over to hang out with everyone and open presents. He was the only person Y/n didn't wait until the last moment to get a present for. In fact, she planned ahead and got something in late October.   A little early, but definitely a smart move.

When everyone was there, they all gathered around the tree and sat on the couch. They started one by one opening their gifts. The gifts for Tommy were mostly all gag gifts, and the gifts for Phil (who joined unexpectedly, but was so welcomed!) were all books since he enjoyed everything about reading. When it was time for Ghostbur to open his gifts, he picked the one from Tommy to open first. It was an artifact from lmanburg that Wilbur had adored and cherished with his whole life. Most of his gifts were artifacts from lmanburg, since that's basically all he talks about.

The last present in his pile was a small box. The jumper. As ghostbur slowly opened the box, it revealed a sweater with a blue sheep in a field on it. And after all this time of Y/n procrastinating and forgetting about the sweater, it still looked pretty good.

"Y/n! I love it! Friend will always be with me!" Ghostbur smiled and hugged the proud girl. Her gift actually worked out and was one of his favorites! When ghostbur put it on it was a little oversized, but nothing too big. Nothing that couldn't be fixed with a quick wash in the washing machine. A wave of relief flooded over Y/n as they continued on with their gift exchange.

Y/n opened all her presents but one stuck out to her with flying colors. A thin sliver bangle and ring set from Ghostbur. It had a small indent of a heart in it. The bangle was very delicate and dainty, same thing with the ring. It was absolutely adorable and almost brought a tear to her eyes.

When the father and son left to do their own thing, ghostbur let y/n in on a little secret.

"I got the bracelet and ring out a box that I found of aliveburs by the ocean. It was in a bag labeled 'Y/n's Christmas present.' So I decided to give it to you." Ghostbur whispered into her ear as if there were millions of other people there.

Y/n smiled and hugged Ghostbur. "Thank you. It was all I could ever ask for and more. You put a ton of thought into it, and it really paid off."

Ghostbur hugged her even tighter as a way of saying that he loved her. Y/n returned the tight hug as a way of saying how she loved him even more. Their night ended with them playfully fighting over who loved each other most.

"So this is Christmas.." y/n whispered as she fell asleep in ghostburs arms...


hi. I procrastinated just like y/n and didn't start this until yesterday. Then I had to finish this before midnight...anyway I hope you like it! Merry Christmas or happy holidays if you don't celebrate!! Love you guys so much!!

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