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"Look at the butterfly!" Ghostbur exclaimed to Y/n. "It looks like you, Y/n!" He pointed at the (f/c) butterfly.

"It is lovely, init?" Y/n smiled at him. "We should start a butterfly sanctuary!" She suggested. Y/n looked into Ghostburs soft, warm brown doe eyes. They glistened in the sunlight, which was causing him to squint a bit. The way he ruffled his hair, the way he did anything. It looked like Wilbur. That made Y/n happy.

Ghostbur slowly begun to remember a lot more of things. He remembered his son, who had rejected to meet him. Y/n is still working on that. He also remembered the ring in which he proposed to Y/n with. He doesn't remember what it was for, but remembers going to his father to ask for it. He hadn't brought it up to Y/n yet, as he was still a little confused, and wouldn't properly describe it in a way she would understand it. He had noticed Y/n wearing it, but it was probably just passed down from someone. Maybe her mother, her father, her sister, her brother, anyone really.

"that would be quite the project!" Ghostbur worryingly said. He had never worked with animals or insects, I mean sure, Wilbur was quite the animal and nature lover, but he didn't know that.

"It would, but we would have fun! We can invite everyone we know!" Y/n walked over to the butterfly on the flower. She quietly reached out and cupped the insect in her hand.


The two were walking on the path back to the shop, when Wilbur pointed out a blue blob in the distance.

"I have to go see what it is!" He ran towards the field. Y/n stayed put. It was her favorite weather today, gloomy. Gloomy as in foggy. Foggy as in cold. Cold as in her favorite weather. It was wonderful.

She trailed off into the field where ghostbur ran off to. She came to the conclusion that he would get lost if she didn't come get him.

She saw the yellow jumper that was not too much far away. She ran in the wind. Her hair caught the wind as the same with her dress. Her dress was a light baby blue, ghostbur picked it out. It had puffy sleeves that complemented her.

"Ghostbur!" She paused and caught her breath, "whatcha find?" Her eyes shifted to the blue sheep on his side.

"A blue sheep!" He said holding the lead of the sheep in his hand.

"Ah! Yes! What are you going to name him?" She pet the sheep's soft head slowly.

"Hm..friend!" He looked up at y/n for approval, "because he'll be our best friend!" He went on to explain.

"Friend it is." She smiled, "let's get home, yeah?"

"Yeah." He slowly grabbed the lead.

"Hey y/n?" He stopped in his tracks.

"Yes ghostbur?"

"Your my first best friend. And I love you for that. Thank you."


HEY LOOK- A SHORT ASS CHAPTER? sorry school started and my fucking ass is tired after school. Maybe a double upload 👀

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