Chapter Eighteen: The Black Sheep

Start from the beginning

I spiked fingers through his thick hair as before he could lean back into his seat, making him pause. His hazel eyes connected with mine as I raked my hand through his hair, before falling to my lips, which I'd made look extra plump and glossy today.

Despite my best efforts to act overconfident, my heart skipped a beat. Not only was his hair softer than I remembered, but I could see his black eye was nastier looking today with darker discoloration, and once again wondered how he had gotten it.

But that was none of my business.

I sat back in my seat. I could still feel his stare on the side of my face, and my whole body felt touched by a live wire. Pulling my attention back into my little charade, I took out my makeup bag, dumping some of its contents on his dashboard, before applying a little more mascara to my lashes. I could feel his eyes still on me the entire time, and he kept the car in park.

"What are you doing, princepessa?" Lucius asked quietly.

"Waiting for you to drive, why?" I sniffed the air. "God, what is that smell? Is that your cologne?" I reached into my purse and turned to spray a few spritzes of my perfume into his back seat.

Lucius lunged for me. "KORINNA!" he shouted, grabbing the perfume from my hand as he fanned the air of my perfume with a cough. He rolled down his window, shooting me a furious look. "This is an exclusive car!" he raged in Italian.

"Don't you want the smell of me in your car at all times, my love?"

Lucius' head snapped toward me. His eyes drew into slits, and I could see the gears clicking around in his head.

"You should get driving, silly goose." I smiled and patted his gloved hand on the gear shift. "We're going to be late, and I can't wait to meet Mom and Dad."

Lucius slowly turned away from me, like it took every ounce of restraint not to lose his temper. He put on his sunglasses and wrapped his dark grey gloved hand tightly on the steering wheel, slamming his foot down on the gas of the parked vehicle. The loud roar of the revving engine startled me as my seat vibrated hard. I nearly stabbed myself in the eye with my mascara wand at the rush of sensations the vibrations caused between my legs.

I angrily capped my mascara. Stronzo.

Lucius sped through our gated residency, before his temper seemed to even out and he maintained the speed limit. I thought for sure the perfume thing would have made him cancel this whole thing. I bitterly thought that I should have chosen one of my heavier Chanel perfumes.

The La Notte mansion did not disappoint. It was just as glamorous and modern as I imagined it in my head with loads of windows that screamed superiority and more security than a celebrity meets and greet.

Lucius pulled into the circular driveway with a frozen fountain at the center and cut the engine. I collected my tote bag and stuffed my untouched thermos inside and exited the vehicle, but when Lucius came around the car faster and blocked my way with his pantleg.

Lucius towered over me, corralling me back against the car. "Korinna," he said, drawing my name out over his accent in a slow, dangerous way. "Behave."

All he had to say was the one word to sound intimidating. It really was an incredible skill.

Too bad I had a death wish today.

Rubbing my glossed lips together, I stretched onto my tippytoes to place my mouth at the shell of his ear. "You have to pay the piper to get good behavior," I whispered.

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