Suddenly he pulled me by hair to the table where the popular kids sat. “ Here's the bitch!” Taylor said grabbing their attention. Joshua stood up with a bottle of hot water in his hand. “ Hold her hands!” Joshua said. Aaron stood up and pulled the sleeves of my sweater up and held my hands. “  You know everyone hates you! Why are still alive? You should just kill yourself... I mean look at you, ugly, fat, worthless and useless!” Joshua said and poured the hot liquid on my hands. “ please stop!” I screamed in pain. The other kids on the table laughed at my suffering. Aaron slapped many times while Taylor pulled my hair more tightly. I used all my strength and ran from there.

I was far from school and close to home. I knew my dad would get angry if he found out I wasn't in school , so I didn't go home. My hands were hurting and I had a bad headache. I ignored the pain and went to the bakery. I bought a medium sized cake . I later bought him a new phone and watch. The phone was really expensive, I had saved money for three years just so I could buy my dad that phone. I wrapped them and went home.

I took a shower then dealt with my burns. I changed into a beautiful dress (her dress 👇) ( I know the dress is for 12 year olds but please try to understand she has a small body)

( her grandmother bought her the dress before she passed away) I prepared supper and decorated the living room with a few balloons and cards

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( her grandmother bought her the dress before she passed away) I prepared supper and decorated the living room with a few balloons and cards. I know I am doing a lot, but I just want my dad to enjoy his birthday.

Everything was ready. I waited for him to arrive. I was a little bit scared he wouldn't like it. I just hope after this he will stop hating me .

Cade's POV (Lily's dad)
As I parked my car, I smiled remembering what my daughter did earlier. She made my favorite breakfast and wished me happy birthday. She never forgets my birthday yet I never celebrate hers.

When I opened the front door, I was shocked. Inside had been decorated with balloons written happy birthday, there were stickers on the wall and a few cards. It looked like a kid's birthday party but I liked it. My eyes got teary but held my tears. I saw Lily sleeping on the dining table. She must have been waiting for me. She was wearing the dress my mother bought her two years ago. I was surprised it still fits her, in fact, it looks a little bit oversized on her. My gaze fell on her hands which had burns while her cheeks had handprints. I know I didn't give her those marks. Someone has been hurting my daughter! My heart stung for some reason.

I gently woke her up. She quickly stood up. “ S-sorry I was waiting for y-you sir, happy b-birthday.” She stuttered. Why did I make her call me sir? I wished she would call me papa or dad .

While I ate, she just looked at her lap. After eating the delicious food she surprised me with a cake which had my favorite flavor. “ Y-you can make a wish and I'll s-sing,” she said softly. I blew the candles and listened to her singing. She had a beautiful voice. As I ate a piece of the cake, I heard her stomach let out a small growl. Lily glanced at the food that had remained then looked at her lap again. She was scared of asking for food (most of the time he hits her when she asks for anything) I felt guilty. My own daughter feared me and I don't remember the last time I let her eat. It was then I noticed how small her body was, no wonder her dress was big on her. She was a fifteen year old but had a body of a eleven year old. “ Lily, you can eat as much as you want.” I said. “ R-really? Thank you so much sir!” She said happily. My daughter is still innocent, too innocent! Judging by the way she ate she must have been really hungry.

I later forced her to tell me how she got those marks. I was sad after finding out she was being bullied daily. I think it's best if I took her to another school. “ Please don't be sad... I h-have a surprise for you.” she said excitedly and went to her room. She came back with two wrapped gifts. I couldn't hide my shocked face when I saw the expensive phone and watch. I l learnt she had saved a lot of money just to get me this. I hugged her and took a few pictures.

“ S-sir, I wanted t-to ask you something... W-why do you hate m-me?” She asked innocently as a tear fell on her cheek. I don't know why but I got angry. “ Shut the fuck up!” i yelled and slapped her. I continued hitting and kicking her till I was tired. She tried to stand up but couldn't. “ I just want you to stop h-hurting and h-hating me. You know (she chuckled sadly) everyone h-hates me . I-i just want to know how it be l-loved. What do i-i have to do for you t-to love m-me?” She asked looking at me. “ If you disappeared or died, I would be the happiest man on earth. Do me a favor and just kill yourself!” I don't why I said that. I didn't mean any of that. She looked so sad and... broken. I broke her, I broke an innocent girl, my own daughter. I looked at her one last time before going to my room. Fuck! What did I just do?!

Joshua's POV
My brother's were in my room. “ We went too far today. We were not supposed to hurt her!” said Aaron. He was right. I regret everything I did. I just want to find Lily and take away her pain. Our babygirl didn't deserve any of that!

“ Tomorrow we need to make sure she's ok.”. I said and they agreed

Lily's POV
I limped to my room. No one will ever love me, they all want me gone. I-I should leave this place. I don't know where I'm going to stay but it will be better than being hated. At this point, I didn't care if I died out there.

I packed a few clothes and some money in my school bag . I didn't take anything else not even a picture. I left them there.

'sorry for being your daughter.
Now that I'm gone,
I think you'll be happy since
You won't have to deal with me.
Thank you for taking care of me
I'll be forever grateful.
Bye, love you dad.
           ~ Lily

I wrote the note and left it on his bedroom door. I went to my room and prepared how I would leave.


This chapter explains what happened five years ago, when they were still in highschool.

How are you? While you wait for the next chapter, you can read ‘Thea is Mine!’. It's my other book.

I hope you liked this chapter 🙂.  I'm only asking for 7 votes in this chapter , please 🙏.

If you've read ‘ Thea is Mine!’  then you will know I call all my readers MARAFIKI. It is a Swahili word which means friends ( if in singular it's RAFIKI which means a friend). So that's my nickname for you guys.

Bye marafiki 😘😘.

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